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Trout-Population t1_j4hid1b wrote

Aside from the obvious, Democrats outspend the GOP on "positive ads". Perhaps next cycle they should try not defining themselves by not being Democrats.


divacphys t1_j4hqdbx wrote

Republicans don't stand for anything anymore. Our rather if they ran on what they were for, they would lose by even bigger margins. Republicans don't even try anymore. Where's the republican infrastructure bill? Where's the replacement for Obamacare that they hate so much? They've tried nothing and are all out of ideas.


Viperlite t1_j4i9pwg wrote

They’d rather try refusing to raise the debt ceiling, government shutdowns, fake outrage, suspending ethics investigations, tax cuts for the wealthy, threats to cut social security and Medicare, fighting electric cars, fighting for polluters rights and denying climate change, etc.


yeags86 t1_j4hz1sw wrote

They’ll let us know in two weeks.