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1989throwa t1_j4lek7u wrote

'The question, he added, is, “What’s the way you can say it without being offensive? … To me, there’s definitely a reasonable way of maintaining my pro-life position without being offensive to others.”'

Don't want to be offensive, eh? Hmmmmmm..... Maybe if you let people be pro-choice? You kinda made it a zero-sum game there pal. Your "pro-life" stance IS what is offensive. If you are personally "pro-life" but allow others to make their own decisions, you are now "pro-choice."

Also, like, if you simultaneously take away the right to abortion while also killing child tax credits, prevent parental leave from being required by law, undercut the affordability of healthcare, you ain't "pro-life" you are "pro-birth" and "pro-suffering."

For all of our advancement, giving birth still has its dangers. Men who are looking to have kids with their wives are pretty well knowledgeable about this and when it comes to choosing between whether you want a certain party to be in office for the next several years or being sure that your life-partner stays alive, most men will choose their partner.

Edit to add: women also are aware of the dangers. That should go unsaid, but if they have a choice between taxes for the next several years and staying alive, they kinda have a vested interest in that whole "living" thing"

(Reason I separated the sexes was to point out that it isn't just a "women's issue." Anti-choice is repugnant to many folks.)

How can you say "outlaw abortion" "without being offensive?" HA, that's a good joke 😂