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WhoUsesTheirRealName t1_j4hin2y wrote

You need it (licensed inspector). Just email it to your service writer and they can print it out for you. You will also need your insurance printed out.


Fine-Blacksmith-9330 t1_j4i9gjs wrote

Aslong as I can see the registration and insurance on your phone I don’t care


thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4j3y1a wrote

Do you need to keep a photocopy of it with your paperwork (the inspector)? In that case, I see no difference in say, getting it via email and printing it vs. making a copy. I appreciate you not wanting to have to do more work, nobody likes that. Ultimately I think it was a real stupid decision by the state to no longer mail you a copy. Of all the ways they could save a buck that was literally the worst way.


thehoagieboy t1_j4jaoio wrote

My garage has an email address posted where you can mail stuff. They print it if they need it.


thunderGunXprezz OP t1_j4jck2p wrote

Thanks that's awesome. I think I mentioned it but I wanna say I was able to just text a picture of it to them last year. Seems like the sort of thing the state should be able to just confirm for you guys from the Vin and drivers license.