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Steelplate7 t1_j4koii8 wrote

I like Pittsburgh. It’s like the perfect sized city. Not too big like Philly, NYC, and Baltimore/Washington. When I used to go to Steelers games on a semi-regular basis, we would travel Rt. 22 from Lewistown to Pittsburgh. It is small town America all along that route. Right outside of Pittsburgh, somewhere around the Squirrel Hill Tunnel(it’s been since 2010, so if I am off by a bit, sorry) there is a Sheetz where we would stop, gas up, stretch our legs and relieve our bladders. It was our staging area to prepare for going into the city.

Disclaimer: We are country people who aren’t used to city driving.

I want to spend a weekend there without a football game being involved. I want to check out the Strip District and get ideas of other things to do


susinpgh t1_j4kylcv wrote

I love the Strip District, shop there all the time!