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pizzapantifa t1_j4v7mki wrote

I suppose it is much easier to dodge this and resort to insulting me than it is to support what you did say and address my criticisms.

I'm old enough to laugh at your repeated deflections.

Shouldn't you be doing something that would actually change anything instead of engaging with "thesaurus rants"? (Sorry, I'll avoid trisylla- words that make more than 2 sounds.)


Zenith2017 t1_j4v95un wrote

Engaging with thesaurus rants makes me giggle


pizzapantifa t1_j4x500o wrote

"I'm not gonna read that!"

"engaging with thesaurus rants makes me giggle."

🥱 thread muted. Learn to read and focus on peoples' communications instead of bIg WoRd MAkE Me MaD