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hemiones t1_j4wmc4l wrote

If only they could have tracked all of the legal unregulated gun parts he was getting to make the illegal guns…………

He was able to buy all the parts legally… I guess we should just keep assuming people don’t buy the gun parts to make actual guns huh?


M2hBDf1Nhw1VB7 t1_j4wn3h1 wrote

The only part they're aiming to regulate is the unfinished frame/receiver (aka the 80% gun). For just a nominal amount of additional effort and a $3000 CNC you can make one from scratch. So unless we start serializing blocks of metal, then criminals will always get illegal guns, but the hobby of gun smithing enjoyed by legal citizen such as myself becomes more expensive.

Also with polymer framed guns (Glocks for example) a decent 3D printer can also make the frame from scratch for far less cost and skill than the setup of a CNC.


hemiones t1_j4wo8pt wrote

I agree with you that criminals will always find guns. But we’re not talking about criminals are we. We’re talking about every day people selling guns illegally to criminals. And I’ll tell you…. some things should get regulated now. Because this whole generation of kids that’s growing up having to do active shooter drills, and scared for the life every day in school. Once they can vote, they are going to take away guns for sure.


M2hBDf1Nhw1VB7 t1_j4wq2zf wrote

He’s not an everyday peson though. That article said 5 felony burglary convictions. He was a prohibited person that cannot legally own a firearm.

As far as school shootings go, I don't think we should mandate staff carry guns, but we should offer the option. if not enough staff do it, then get armed guards. We protect our money and our politicians with weapons. Why not our kids?

Regarding your very last sentence, the right to keep and bear arms is a natural born right protected from the government by the second amendment. We are a constitutional republic and not a democracy. The majority cannot vote away the rights of the minority because of this. The 2A and guns are here to stay (not even getting into the argument over the sheer number of civilian guns out there). Fortunately so are the other rights in that document and we should be proud of that. I'm not fully opposed to regulation, but I'd rather see regulation that stops bad guys with minimal interference on law abiding citizens.

As for "ghost guns" in particular, home made firearms predate us even being a country, and their very nature of being homemade means you cannot effectively ban them. They will always exist. Fortunately despite what politicians claim, they are used in under 1% of all reported gun crimes, because they are not practical to make when stealing a gun is easier.

I’ve enjoyed our discussion but I need to return to focusing on my work. My Reddit break is over for now.