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point_breeze69 t1_j4xv39d wrote

Going to college now is going to be a complete waste of time and resources for a majority of people. The majority of jobs requiring a degree will most likely not exist by the end of the decade thanks to AI. Just something to keep in mind for anyone considering going for a degree or currently in the process of getting one.


TacoNomad t1_j4xxmd1 wrote

Well, most jobs aren't state jobs. So people still will have to go to college to get jobs that aren't govt jobs.


PPQue6 t1_j4y1kw2 wrote

Also getting educated is never a waste. There's plenty of ways to go through college without going into debt, for example I'm going to be graduating sometime this summer with my AAS and I'll have done it without having taken any loans.


point_breeze69 t1_j4ydcsv wrote

You’re right that getting an education is never a waste. It’s just a waste going into massive amounts of debt for a non existent job which is the reality for most people entering college now.


VeeTheBee86 t1_j4y4r21 wrote

Eh, it’ll hit plenty of trade jobs, too. Trucking companies are already beginning to use AI driven vehicles, and 3D printing will definitely put a dent in construction eventually. I work in automation installation, and it’s definitely coming for all of us. I agree college is overpriced for what it’s providing now, but nobody should be getting too comfortable with what technology is bringing down the line.


point_breeze69 t1_j4ydpie wrote

Yea I agree. It’s just surprising that doctors, architects and lawyers are going to be automated before plumbers.


VeeTheBee86 t1_j51zaqm wrote

I don’t think it’s as surprising when you think about how they developed the tech — literally programmed it by scraping the words and work of human beings available on the internet. It’s likely going to hit a copyright battle before too long, though, because ChatGPT sometimes pulls word for word from certain books. (We’ll see how that goes, especially if it hits a big writer or company.) Plumbing and other labor require more fine detail maneuvering, so that’s going to lag as the robotics improve. That’s the only thing staving off a very real work crunch, IMO.