cpr4life8 t1_j4xskg8 wrote
The right and good for them, I hope they keep up the pressure!
NeumaticExpert t1_j4xsr8p wrote
It’s happening all over, Penncrest School District is also having a huge issue
pa_curious_mom t1_j4yc488 wrote
Sadly it IS happening at school districts throughout PA. Thank Moms for Liberty.
NeumaticExpert t1_j4ydvy2 wrote
IamSauerKraut t1_j4yq38p wrote
The policy appears to violate a couple of federal laws. Surely the school board cannot be that stupid.
IamSauerKraut t1_j4yq5pw wrote
Moms for Fascism you mean, right?
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j4z0gdq wrote
Do not let the ignorant bigots destroy the next generation - stop this 123 debacle.
tyrael459 t1_j4zo9qz wrote
Just let the teachers teach. They’re the education professionals, and just like any profession, the overwhelming majority do a spectacular job. As a parent, I trust my kid’s teachers fully until they give me a legitimate reason not to. All of this goose chasing and fear mongering over scattered (and often unproved) rumors is wasted time and energy.
300blakeout t1_j4zte8p wrote
Why does this belong in school? What’s appropriate about it?
pa_curious_mom t1_j4zutyh wrote
Oh, you’d be shocked how stupid, narrow minded and outright hateful school board directors can be. Historically school board elections are dull… people really didn’t pay attention to who’s running, and with support just from their like-minded friends, these creeps get seated and wreck havoc and work to create the district they want… basically a conservative Christian ‘public’ school. Yeah,I’m a school board member and get to hear from Moms for Liberty at every meeting. And several of my newer fellow board members do M4L’s bidding. People need to wake up.
IamSauerKraut t1_j50g6kq wrote
I've done my time so, no, I am not surprised. I've watched a local district where the Marino-financed BOD allows non-school business to be discussed at meetings all the time, including furries, election denial, etc. BOD members appear to not be aware that the meetings are the business meetings of the district which allows limited public participation (meaning, the public comments portion present a limited public forum). Poor job of education by PSBA, imho.
pa_curious_mom t1_j50hjzc wrote
PSBA is finally pushing out some “revised” policies that reiterate what a board should and should not do. But I agree they can be a lot more helpful. Push out emails to us reminding us… giving guidance on how ti handle unruly public comments, etc. Our board president is reluctant to enforce rules for public comment and also for board discussion (like, off topic, save that for “new business” etc) because of the immediate backlash we’ll get from the small yet very vocal group of Mastriano supporters. I’m the only one to call “point of order” and ask presiding officer to enforce rules. When I do, he does, but damn it’s a circus out there. I worry about the kids, the teachers, the administration. District is getting dragged down and I want all parents to wake up.
itasteminty t1_j50lcbc wrote
Just going to put this here:
I would assume blatant discrimination by a school board would count as Neglect of Duty....
IamSauerKraut t1_j50o3ez wrote
>PSBA is finally pushing out some “revised” policies that reiterate what a board should and should not do.
imho, PSBA is more about getting school boards to work with school administrators than they are about representing the school board point of view. Only useful thing they've done over the past decade is making Simon Campbell chew on his toenails.
pa_curious_mom t1_j50oeph wrote
Ha! And how fitting that Mr. Campbell lives in Bucks Co.
IamSauerKraut t1_j50qh65 wrote
His numerous RTKL filings have helped public schools more than he knows. School employees' personal info, for instance, is more secure now than when he first started his garbage a decade ago. His war on teachers' collective bargaining units is pretty much done thanks to various court rulings. Dud loves to lose.
Zenith2017 t1_j50w9yp wrote
I assume you mean general content (including pride flags and other imagery) that reference queer and nonbinary people.
You could think of it this way: we already have implicit acceptance everywhere of straight cis students and staff, and that's not considered inappropriate. Straight and cisgender is the norm and the expectation of our society, and no additional signalling or visibility really needs to be present.
But queer and/or nonbinary people are not aligned with that societal expectation, we are suppressed by it. The late great Elite Wiesel's famous words come to mind: "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented". In this way, the so-called neutrality of the policy banning any expression of social politics oppresses queer people, because representation must be had for equality to thrive.
Additionally, consider this: do we really want children to be raised in an environment where they're never exposed to what people unlike them think? How can the answer to a fear of indoctrination be to hide them from anyone else's opinions, rather than showing them the breadth of the world and teaching them how to evaluate and make good decisions? I can guarantee you this, it's the fastest path to indoctrination to never be exposed to anything different. If parents are truly that concerned that their kid is going to get diverted into some sort of cult of thought or personality, they're welcome to home school their kids. Exposure to queer people is not harmful.
I can appreciate a desire to stop teachers and staff from inappropriately expressing their personal opinions, especially in front of the kids, and especially as employees of the government. But we already express the messaging that "straight = accepted" all over the place, all day every day. What messaging is present when we pair that with suppressing expressions that "queer = accepted" as well?
300blakeout t1_j50x0r0 wrote
Interesting take. Agree to disagree. Take care.
Zenith2017 t1_j50z2eh wrote
You too.
If you care to chat more - why do you feel it's inappropriate to have queer representation in school?
(I won't give a salty clap back even should I feel some kind of way about your response. Thanks for doing the same for me)
flaaaacid t1_j51x6wf wrote
It is, and it does.
Open_Veins_8 OP t1_j4xkvm1 wrote
Teachers, students, and parents are opposed to Central Bucks School District Policy 321, which they believe is "born out of bigotry and discrimination" and targets LGBTQ students.