Juidawg t1_j52r9ce wrote
I remember an old timer telling me about when he used to work with the family biz delivering oil in Easton. The guy he was working with had 260 gallons on the truck register during a home delivery, and was like “man we shoulda heard the whistle by now”… Another few gallons and they stopped.
Went to leave the bill at the door and got a bad wiff or feeling and called the homeowner. Long story short the old lady that lived there passed and the home was turned over to family that ripped the basement oil tank out, but left the fill pipe installed AND the heating oil refill contract OPEN.
From what he said it was a disaster of a mess. Hip waders, pumps, 55 gallon drums, and plenty of kitty litter. WOW
Jumpy-Natural4868 OP t1_j5366jm wrote
Ugh. Ugh. So terrible.
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