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delcodick t1_j61p4r6 wrote

THATS what you took away from the article? Seriously? 🤦‍♂️


in-noxxx t1_j61svc9 wrote

>THATS what you took away from the article? Seriously? 🤦‍♂️

Yes. Then I searched her name and found another story with her pic, pretty good for 45. Now what else was I suppose to take away, the fent overdose? Sad,but the government has allowed this crisis to fester, causing untold misery,depravity,and homelessness. The child shouldn't have died, the government should have started a mass forced suboxone regiment for free, and the cys agent should have done something sooner.It's sad, but the entire crisis is sad.


largeroastbeef t1_j62a3lm wrote

What exactly would a mass forced suboxone treatment be? That sounds kinda insane to force meds on people. I’m all for offering free addiction medication I mean we spend way more on our tax dollars on the effects of addiction than if we just gave free medication but forcing people into treatment doesn’t sound great


in-noxxx t1_j63bb85 wrote

I don't know, but I mean we got people injecting animal tranq mixed with fent into their veins. We gotta do something, forcing suboxone or methadone wouldn't be the worse thing.


PsychicSarahSays t1_j63qy3b wrote

MAT is great, very effective (Methadone and Suboxone aren’t the only ones even, so people should be able to find a med that works for them). The thing is people forget about the T in MAT.