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Homer69 t1_j5b3yfw wrote

The mother was my high school nurse. She was super nice. The son started working at the school when I was there and he is the high school football coach now.


CPA_Man_ t1_j5ciin8 wrote

The murderer also worked at the same school as the mother / son when I was there. She was an aid for the special need kids

The mother and Mr. Beck we’re loved by everyone. From the few interactions I had with the murderer she seemed just as friendly. Crazy to see this


Homer69 t1_j5ck0ib wrote

Mrs Beck always used to let me take a nap in the nurses office during lunch if I needed it. I didn't get much sleep in highschool. I was very much an insomniac, still am. One day a teacher accused me of being high and sent me to Mrs Beck to do a sobriety test. She said he is perfectly fine, she must be on drugs.


FastNBulbous- t1_j5ehkpm wrote

Yeah I read that she was working at Upper Moreland, does anybody know if she previously worked at Abington? There’s was a Mrs. Beck she worked in the learning center at Abington Junior High when I was there, I’ve been wondering if it’s her


Homer69 t1_j5ewkb4 wrote

The mother and son worked at lower Moreland