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petefromeastpete t1_j5k50wa wrote

Honestly, the way you’ve written about the state makes me say no, it isn’t for you. Don’t come here, you won’t enjoy it and you’ll end up bitter about it. That’s just my two cents based off the few paragraphs you wrote, but it seems you’ve already made up your mind and have preconceived ideas about what you’d find here.

I love our state, I’ve been all over it and think it’s great, but it’s not for everyone and if someone comes in having already decided not to like it, nothing I can say will sway them.

Each of the areas you’ve mentioned have something going for them. They’ve got active businesses, they’re at least stable if not growing, they have culture and restaurants and generally some sort of nightlife. You haven’t told us specifically what you like to do, but if you can’t be happy in any of the places you mentioned — especially Lancaster, Pittsburgh, or the Lehigh Valley — then I think you should keep trying for somewhere you know you’ll be happy.