Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania

No_Mission1856 t1_jedjxmt wrote

Why? Townships wanted to control their area. Township supervisors ages ago didnt want a County entity enforcing law in their territory.

Personally the less LE the better the majority of it is harrassment anyway over stupid crap not real crime. LEO will ignore the real crime streets and go mess with joe blow writing tickets.

Why I have a shot gun rack with a old realistic looking toy shot gun in the back window. Yrs ago a County detective I grew up around told me that was the best way to be left alone by PA cops.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 its worked for 30+ yrs now. Never been pulled over!


BamitzSam101 t1_jedjh2q wrote

Yeah duh. No one said they were? My point was religious equality for all. Most people on reddit know they don’t actually follow/believe Satan. Still doesn’t make me a Satanist. Being non- religious doesn’t make you inherently a member of the Satanic temple. Which is btw, a federally recognized religion.


No_Mission1856 t1_jedgotc wrote

No busing is required to be provided by state law within a 10 mile radius from home and school.

Most private schools especially catholic dont take fed dollars and like most private organizations they would be exempt from the same laws that the public schools are required to follow. Im actually surprised they allowed anyone in attendance with a disability years ago they wouldnt nor any with learning disabilities.


BamitzSam101 t1_jedfvvw wrote

Well yes anyone can make up a religion but that doesn't mean they're Legally and constitutionally recognized by the federal government. The satanic temple became a legally recognized religion in 2019 and therefore is entitled to the same representation and leeway as any other religion...

Personally, I think religious studies are important to avoid the racisim and bigotry that often comes with ignorance of other peoples beliefs. But people fear what they don't know and don't like to learn about what they fear. Thus, the wheel of unnecessary ignorance turns on and on.


EricErichErik t1_jeddoam wrote

Think you're confusing it with the church of Satan.

From the satanic temple website

"Resolutely non-theistic, The Satanic Temple does not endorse supernatural (or “supernormal”) explanations, a position also codified in the tenets which state, Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs."

Satan is a symbol for them, not an actual diety.