Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania

Simple-Obligation484 t1_jeeivp6 wrote

The "technicality" they are trying to deny ASSC on is clearly a discriminatory pretext for denying the club. Here is a promotional flyer for the evangelical Good News Club that the school district *themselves* sent home with all elementary school students. And here is another example of GNC's promotional material.

Now compare those with the promotional flyer the school district used as grounds for denying ASSC access.

The ASSC flyer clearly says "SPONSERED BY: THE SATANIC TEMPLE AND REASON ALLIANCE", similarly the GNC flyers say "Sponsored by Saucon Community Church and Child Evangelism Fellowship".

But the ASSC flyer ALSO says at the bottom "This is not an activity of the school or the School District." The Superintendent rescinded the club's approval on the grounds that the font size of that statement was too small. But compare that to the GNC promotional material, which again - the school district *themselves* distributed to students, and contains no such disclaimer *at all*.


Early-Consequence-61 t1_jeeieda wrote

No I’m fact, we hail ourselves and our own power. I became sober entirely on my own, with help from the tenets and other people in the group. When I accomplish something we say “Hail you!” Because we are the powerful ones in control of ourselves. I love it.


Patrollerofthemojave t1_jeehma7 wrote

I got one for weed while driving a drunk friend home.

I'm not saying I shouldn't have been punished but you're immediately placed in the highest tier which is the same as a .016 or above BAC. That's ridiculous and completely out of line with actual data on drunk/high driving

I should note I wasn't pulled over for bad driving. My headlight was out.


Mikellow t1_jeehgtb wrote

I would actually be interested in hearing more about this. From my understanding; a lot of Satanism is the rejection of a savior and putting more power to yourself/relying on yourself. AA has a state that you are powerless, and a higher power will help you. It has been awhile since schooling but from what I recall there is some criticism with AA as you are essentially replacing one vice with another, but that is their point (you are powerless so we are going to replace drinking with AA meetings).

Just want to note: Nothing will work 100% of the time so I don't want to come off as overly critical either way. And I am open to being corrected as I have never worked directly with substance abuse.

Also, I realize the static temple and church of Satan and other Satanists are different.


RG_Viza t1_jeeg5az wrote

“Title III, which this rule addresses, prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the activities of places of public accommodation (businesses that are generally open to the public and that fall into one of 12 categories listed in the ADA, such as restaurants, movie theaters, schools, day care facilities, recreation facilities, and doctors’ offices) and requires newly constructed or altered places of public accommodation—as well as commercial facilities (privately owned, nonresidential facilities such as factories, “

So yes they’re violating the ADA. A private school is a business and a school. All activities are required to be reasonably accessible. Since diabetes and epilepsy require no accessibility provisions for the activities you’re talking about, they’re covered by default.

State or federal funding doesn’t play into this requirement although ADA violations are a reason to hold back such funding.

The school is engaging in discrimination.