Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania

bleepblopbl0rp t1_jeff5po wrote

Hell yes man. I fucking HATE the first step of AA. Hell, I hate them all. Never worked for me. I have power, goddammit. I am not powerless. And I know this because I'm a year and a month sober and I don't wanna drink anymore. And that's my fuckin power.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_jefb1m1 wrote

If they're not paying the district a commensurate rate for those services, they could be opening themselves up to Title IX liability unintentionally.

I'm not a lawyer but as others have, including at least one lawyer, I would recommend you get a lawyer with experience in this area because they will know all the things or know which things to look at to find the things they don't know things about.

There's a lot of things. Get a lawyer.