Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania
gfunkadelic t1_jefh7f9 wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
SCOTUS are christian crusaders trying to create a theocracy funded by The Federalist Society and Focus on the Family
glasswing048 t1_jefgfga wrote
Bethlehem is a good place for music.
bleepblopbl0rp t1_jeff5po wrote
Reply to comment by Early-Consequence-61 in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Hell yes man. I fucking HATE the first step of AA. Hell, I hate them all. Never worked for me. I have power, goddammit. I am not powerless. And I know this because I'm a year and a month sober and I don't wanna drink anymore. And that's my fuckin power.
Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jeff1sh wrote
Reply to comment by StreetDark1995 in Hours of Ohio train derailment footage lost after being ‘overwritten’ by newsspotter
To be fair the engine wasn't affected.
mtv2002 t1_jeff0ur wrote
Grandma utz bbq, middleswarth, and herr salt and pepper. So someone close to my family told me that middleswarth chips have a code on them. Any bbq labeled c4 were the best seasoned.
Jagerbeast703 t1_jefezyh wrote
Reply to comment by trs21219 in Hours of Ohio train derailment footage lost after being ‘overwritten’ by newsspotter
Why the hell wouldn't they collect that evidence!?!?!?
WoozyMuon t1_jefe5f6 wrote
Reply to ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Just think - the taxpayer money that school is about to lose would be much better spent hiring and retaining qualified educators.
But let's waste it on some nonsense concerning a magical sky fairy and its cult.
Weird_Back1026 t1_jefdrma wrote
Reply to comment by IWantAStorm in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Well before it was all Westmoreland half the state was Bedford
feels_like_arbys t1_jefd52l wrote
Reply to comment by sambull in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
I'm not so so convinced they would. Roberts would almost assuredly side with the 1st amendment. Kavanaugh has been pretty much center thus far. Could see him siding with the ACLU as well.
CarbonGod t1_jefb5bf wrote
Reply to comment by ManfredsJuicedBalls in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
I guess they are a left-wing troll? ie: crazy as hell?
Impressive_Bus11 t1_jefb1m1 wrote
Reply to comment by CRNPandACHPN in American Disability Act in Pennsylvania Catholic Schools. by CRNPandACHPN
If they're not paying the district a commensurate rate for those services, they could be opening themselves up to Title IX liability unintentionally.
I'm not a lawyer but as others have, including at least one lawyer, I would recommend you get a lawyer with experience in this area because they will know all the things or know which things to look at to find the things they don't know things about.
There's a lot of things. Get a lawyer.
CoalCrackerKid t1_jefb01t wrote
Reply to comment by Mikellow in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
> AA has a state that you are powerless, and a higher power will help you.
They're a weird mix between belief and stoic self reliance (with the AA prayer being a mantra almost identical to the stoic dichotomy of control).
IrresponsibleScience t1_jefaikw wrote
Reply to comment by BamitzSam101 in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
I agree. Same rules have to apply to everyone equally, full stop.
HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jefahfh wrote
Reply to comment by FiendishHawk in Pa. brewery puts the fruit flavors of Rita’s Italian Ice in new series of beers - by starstufft
You've never had a beer conditioned on fruit? That's all this is. They're usually decently good.
Impressive_Bus11 t1_jefadk7 wrote
Reply to comment by zakk412 in American Disability Act in Pennsylvania Catholic Schools. by CRNPandACHPN
Lawyers and their vodka.
ColleenKessock t1_jefaabj wrote
Lancaster always has something going.
Impressive_Bus11 t1_jefa86f wrote
Reply to comment by Ghengiscone in American Disability Act in Pennsylvania Catholic Schools. by CRNPandACHPN
Everyone has to follow the ADA, I believe. Even private businesses that don't receive federal dollars.
Title IX (9) is what applies to schools who receive federal funding.
Happy to be further corrected if I'm wrong.
lazy_legs t1_jef8ewh wrote
Reply to comment by Fourlec in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
jirenlagen t1_jef7u31 wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in Auto Insurance Rate Increases 35% Seemingly Overnight, Allegedly Due To PA Rate Hike by Mother_Show8790
😂 it needs to be good enough to get from A to be but okay whatever
Baladas89 t1_jef6yhz wrote
Reply to comment by Bargeul in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Hey look at that! Straight from their website:
> The Satanic Temple has become the primary religious Satanic organization in the world…
> The rise of The Satanic Temple has been met with an increase in commentary regarding what Satanism is…
Top_Strategy1083 t1_jef62y7 wrote
Reply to comment by sewerrpunk in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
The kids are alright.
Bargeul t1_jef5t0r wrote
Reply to comment by MisterMutton in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
>Imagine students came up with a club called, idk, Knights of Mein Kamph Club? We would sit around, read and watch old films about (s)Hitler, and make some shrine for him.
Now, I'm really curious on what grounds you compare Satan to Hitler.
Bargeul t1_jef5jc3 wrote
Reply to comment by Otherwise_Comfort_95 in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
>Honestly, when I hear satanic temple, I’m thinking devil worship, cutting the heads off goats and human sacrifice, they should work on their brand messaging. 😂
Right. Because your prejudices are definitely their fault.
fatherofallthings t1_jef5b2w wrote
Reply to comment by hobbykitjr in ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
Lol ever notice the exit of 78 is mile marker 66.6?
ouroboro76 t1_jefhkeh wrote
Reply to ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club by LeaveThatCatAlone
If they have an after school Bible Club, this should be an open and shut case. But if it makes it to the supreme court with its current composition, I’m sure they’ll find some convoluted legal reasoning to rule against the ACLU even if such is the case.