Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania

BlueSun420 t1_jegc2xl wrote

It is not a school activity - it's an after school club sponsored by a satanic church. The district would just be renting space to a satanic church for use after school hours, just as they do in regards to the Christian after school club. Groups can not be denied access to public facilities on the basis of their religious identity. This is well established Constitutional law upheld by the Supreme Court in the 2001 case Good News Club v. Milford Central School


wellarmedsheep t1_jeg88s8 wrote

Respectfully, for you and other people who may be confused, this is a bad take.

The Satanic Temple is not an organization that believes in a supernatural Satan, but one that uses him as a symbol in the rebellion against authority. I, of course, am assuming that you think "dying on a hill" for Satanists is inherently wrong.

I would also argue that if you believe in the principals of the Constitution it is important to stand up for them especially when you disagree with the side whose rights are being infringed. There is the old chestnut of protecting the speech you don't like, which applies here.

Finally, you are wrong about the legal issue. The Equal Access Act of 1984 prohibits public secondary schools that receive federal funding from denying equal access to extracurricular clubs, including religious clubs, based on the content of their speech. You have to let all religious clubs or none. The district already opened the door to religious organizations, they can't close it behind them.


ImNorm29 t1_jeg87w5 wrote

Lititz (Lancaster Co) is home to Rock Lititz (if you aren't familiar - look it up) - so there's a direct connection to the entire music industry here. It's not uncommon to see tour busses and trucks from top name performers on the north end of Lititz when they are here to prepare for a new tour; or stop in along a tour for equipment fixes. There's a small venue right on the campus which has an incredible (Claire Brothers) sound system but its mostly tribute bands that play there. The prices are pretty reasonable to get seats, though they recently changed from using Event Brite to TicketMaster so there are probably higher fees now. And you're only about 5-8 miles from Lancaster where there are more clubs, etc.


Callahan_Crowheart t1_jeg802y wrote

If you're using Satan as your "higher power," you fundamentally misunderstand the point of deprogramming yourself from methods of magical thinking through sacrilege.

Thyself is thy master. The godhead rests inside the individual, and he was crafted in our image.

Even within the myth of Genesis, the serpent (who actually wasn't Satan but that is the modern interpretation) didn't aim to subjugate man. He aimed, instead, to uplift us through knowledge. To make us Gods unto ourselves through the apple of knowledge and, if uninterrupted, then the fruit of immortality. Read your Bible, says the Satanist.


archguy20 t1_jeg5uuh wrote

Students in a school don’t have unfettered free speech rights and are subject to speech and activity restrictions decided by their school.

I don’t think freedom of religion is at issue here legally. I think that would apply more if the school wasn’t allowing students to exercise religious practice during the school day.

Freedom from religion seems like a buzzword that has no legal grounding


hippata2023 t1_jeg5n3b wrote

> Should students be allowed after-school allocations to run such a club?

While I would find the club repugnant, that doesn't mean I'd be in favor of banning it. I'm always shocked by "small government" conservatives advocating for the State to control what private people can do on their own time.