Recent comments in /f/Pennsylvania

Aggravating_Foot_528 t1_jeggoqi wrote

I second this. Once you have a passport, it's a good backup as u/getfocused12 says, but it also will probably lead to you taking an out of country trip, even if it's "just" to Canada. You're more likely to go when you have it. And if an opportunity comes up to travel, you won't have to worry about getting the passport then and worrying whether it'll show up on time.


thiccpolishboi t1_jegfuu1 wrote

Liquor store employee here. Any Fine Wine and Good Spirits store SHOULD accept a temporary ID. Bring the expired one for good measure.

Whether they will or not they’ll actually accept it is another question. Each store seems to be run differently even though we shouldn’t be. Or they might not card you at all. 50/50 chance of it in my experience.


reverendsteveii t1_jegesjl wrote

I didn't end up having to go but when I went I was going with a three pronged argument of I can't be unbiased against cops in a trial, I know about jury nullification and eyewitness testimony is actually really unreliable as my reasoning to say that I would vote to acquit regardless of the law or the evidence.


badatmetroid t1_jegepc3 wrote

There may be one bouncer/bartender/etc who's a dick about it but I'm guessing most would just wish you a happy birthday and not mention the expiration date. If you're going with friends just mention the possibility to them and you should go in first (so they can easily bounce if you get bounced)