Submitted by coreynj2461 t3_y395no
Submitted by Lulubean16 t3_y5gugm
Submitted by LetsPlayCanasta t3_yhoxoc
Submitted by sillychillly t3_y6grwu
Submitted by tlm4594 t3_ycb1b1
Submitted by minininny t3_z66sd6
Submitted by Wellsem20 t3_ylo5dd
Submitted by sniperboi629 t3_ypishq
Submitted by twopandinner t3_yr0xyp
Submitted by [deleted] t3_ytix0r
Submitted by Gymfrog007 t3_yplf8e
Submitted by boundfortrees t3_yqk4vg
Union County. Gas went up $.20 a few days before the election. Then today, it suddenly dropped lower than it was before the bump. Oil companies are blatantly playing politics.
Submitted by Agentx6021 t3_yre1d4
Submitted by Open_Veins_8 t3_ywtrz8
Submitted by hemiones t3_yx72tl
Submitted by theytook-r-jobs t3_yyt9ub
Submitted by [deleted] t3_za1v0n
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zf4nhm