Submitted by [deleted] t3_zh69fi
Kids in Pennsylvania eat an average of 22.862 sugary snacks a week, per a recent study, which is the highest rate in the United States
Submitted by Raz0rRamon t3_107mlt3
Submitted by Bocephus8892 t3_z5845w
Submitted by Yinzerman1992 t3_1028aaq
Submitted by snuffy_tentpeg t3_ybgn65
Submitted by Mother_Show8790 t3_126mxjg
Submitted by TransFattyAcid t3_121lnow
Submitted by BoggyRob t3_z83bg9
Submitted by wdcmsnbcgay t3_yexk9h
Submitted by TyeDyeAmish t3_10txhs3
Submitted by Yelloeisok t3_zvrbzs
Submitted by melosebrain37 t3_11rx06o
Submitted by ChickenGreaseLips t3_114u10y
Submitted by RemoteStatement t3_zon8tp
Submitted by DoctorSteve t3_yqcf9e
Submitted by CoolHandMike t3_zusz8o
Submitted by newzee1 t3_10crp53
Submitted by Griff82 t3_y8vjiz
Submitted by Garbage_will_not t3_11m45vb