Submitted by KJH106 t3_yy8goh
Mehmet Oz said he wouldn’t take corporate PAC money. Then he did. Mehmet Oz said he wouldn't take "one dime of corporate PAC money, not one dollar." But his latest fund-raising report shows donations from major energy companies, law firms, and other big businesses.
inquirer.comSubmitted by JulesVelour t3_y95vpk
Submitted by reddit_mouse t3_10s43yb
Submitted by squirreltalk t3_10ggx5r
Submitted by davcross t3_10d0z9p
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zcgsod
Submitted by Methylatedcobalamin t3_yqiuqi
Submitted by Edgeyville t3_ydonkt
Submitted by Rustybolts_ t3_117jllk
Submitted by TransFattyAcid t3_1148mbg
Submitted by exhilaration t3_1110hcl
Submitted by Anonymous_Otters t3_z4pxhc
Submitted by Mobile-Willingness29 t3_11agkms
Submitted by stoned_hardscaper92 t3_10yo11i
Submitted by jftaylor21 t3_10hxzaw
Submitted by kevalopez t3_zt28hu