Submitted by RUIN_NATION_ t3_11wj3o5
Submitted by AxlCobainVedder t3_11pndn9
Submitted by MrMcFly131 t3_zv9c5b
Submitted by CompletePen8 t3_yl64v8
Submitted by cpr4life8 t3_yr3pa4
Submitted by xAsroilu t3_zzzpkn
Submitted by First-Onion-1026 t3_z5mzh2
Submitted by genzine t3_xx613u
Submitted by PienotPi t3_11f8tb8
Submitted by turbodsm t3_zxsw5c
Submitted by vintageideals t3_1212f6o
Submitted by mrboozer t3_117hk1p
Submitted by gvillepa t3_ziysbw
Anyone else remember a few years back when the light company made faulty street light bulbs that turned pink due to a issue with them after awhile? Well we still have our pink lot after 3 years lol I hope they never fix it.
Submitted by WolfGuard_ t3_y6stvz
Submitted by SamuelLCompassion t3_10q67ea
For those worried about the PA Supreme Court’s ruling on undated ballots, it may be of some relief to you that this year’s ballot envelope is VERY unambiguous. While I personally find the ruling utterly preposterous I’d also say that the ballot itself is competently designed to compensate for it.
Submitted by Trapezoidoid t3_ykckns
I have a calendar that states a historical event that happened that day, today's event happened in PA.
Submitted by Yinzerman1992 t3_103xr96