Submitted by AxlCobainVedder t3_y0bbes
Submitted by ZebZ t3_znickq
Submitted by xAsroilu t3_zzzpkn
Submitted by vintageideals t3_1212f6o
Submitted by A4B7h t3_10kwsh6
Submitted by sensistarfish t3_11uagx1
Submitted by wewewawa t3_10lyu6j
Submitted by CaptainBrant t3_ztkjno
Submitted by mjsisko t3_za9obu
Don't forget that if you can't make it to vote in person you can apply for a mail in ballot here>>> until Nov 1st.
Submitted by beingrudewonthelp t3_y92q4s
Submitted by Altruistic-Rip4364 t3_11dol6e
Submitted by sataninspirit t3_xuyte9
Submitted by StavrosKatsopolis t3_11o6x51
Submitted by GalaMoruu t3_z1jfre
Submitted by TheUltimateSalesman t3_ytijiq
Submitted by CoconutJohn t3_yigj4u
Submitted by Iveary t3_yhsi9s