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OP t1_j7je1ed wrote

>It's a store. A corporation. It's victimless. No one was hurt.

Try again. The business was victimized. The customer who they will pass the costs along to was victimized. The taxpayer who now has to pay for the justice system to address this was victimized. I could go on.


t1_j7jg4tz wrote

Don't buy expensive sunglasses. Teach sunglass hut a lesson by only stealing from them.


t1_j7jgrxi wrote



t1_j7jgzct wrote

I don't buy or have expensive sunglasses and you mock my gender?


OP t1_j7jh6b8 wrote

Huh? Justifying theft is what's demeaning to your gender.


t1_j7kypt7 wrote

Theft is ok from Corporations


OP t1_j7kztjj wrote

That's what mama taught you? That it's OK to steal "sometimes"? Hope you get caught as well.


t1_j7l0tz4 wrote

I said I don't need or have expensive sun glasses. Buy if you do or want to sell them , it's ok. Be kind to people who need $1400. It's just a sun glass hut lol


OP t1_j7l1xhc wrote

Oh cry me a river. Need $1400, they can get off their lazy pathetic asses and earn it like the rest of us. Please tell me you are not for real???


t1_j7l2fy5 wrote

I'm not crying. I'm asking you to try being compassionate over your allegiance to sun glass hut.


OP t1_j7l3kzb wrote

Compassionate towards thieves (one of the three most dishonorable...)? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!


t1_j7l42ts wrote

Yes even thieves. Over corporations by far. They are actual humans.


t1_j7wbykc wrote

Ignoring the theft of the corporate class because it’s been accepted and legalized by a social system that was once built on chattel slavery is demeaning to your humanity.

If corporations want us to be so sad when they loose the ability to pay their executives more bonuses then they already receive maybe they should offer their “EsSeNtIaL” workers a living wage with benefits and vacation time maybe workers deserve a life worth living instead of this garbage system that was clearly intended to be a replacment for slavery now that the rich can’t overtly own human beings. What a joke you people are


t1_j7wbkoo wrote

It doesn’t matter if they are robbed or not corporations use EVERY REASON THEY CAN FIND UNDER THE SUN!! To raise their retail prices while using EVERY REASON UNDER THE SUN to keep their wages as low as possible. You are such a bootlicking capitalist appologist. There is no reason anyone should feel bad for rich people right now they are responsible for this horrible society we live in where war and prisons are over funded and the homeless population gallons meanwhile it’s such a mystery why nobody would want to work when it’s been obvious for decades that working full time doesn’t earn a life worth living unless you’re an exploitative corporate executive who steps on others to get ahead