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MonicaPVD t1_ja5oten wrote

At a cost of $150-200 million dollars per mile, on average, it's safe to say that RI does not have the density to justify building any kind of light rail for the foreseeable future. Shit, we can't even convince our leaders to underwrite free RIPTA, which would be like 35 million a year and literally change people's lives.


random-wander t1_ja9y7ti wrote

Of course the second densest state couldn’t support such a network just look at New Jersey and their lack of light rail…. Oh wait.


MonicaPVD t1_jaa3i3h wrote

There are nine times more people in NJ that there are in RI. If density were the deciding factor, Central Falls would have its own transit system by now.


PJfanRI t1_ja5q3qh wrote

Sadly the $150-$200 million has much more opportunity for grifting, so in RI it has a far greater chance than $35 million to help the public.