Submitted by n0i t3_10yxzqc in RhodeIsland
PigpenMcKernan t1_j80cclo wrote
Climate is pretty static though.
CoffeeMilkSteaks t1_j80dc9b wrote
Now I know what Cooler & Warmer means.
jdmess401 t1_j80grdi wrote
I mentioned this in another post, but this has got to be a local record of some kind. (With the exception of Mt. Washington, probably.)
BOKEH_BALLS t1_j80gtnn wrote
Something is wrong here
Full-Supermarket t1_j80h28g wrote
Isn’t it super warm for February 🤔
jfg1984 t1_j80nsrh wrote
I’ll take it!
RandomChurn t1_j80smxg wrote
Pretty sure both were: record low and record high, six days apart
caspersmith45 t1_j80uumq wrote
Yes it is. Do you think Mother Nature has a ton of snow waiting to dump on us?
noungning t1_j80x064 wrote
Because the sun really hits my house, it's reading 80 degrees inside my house. I, too, thought back to last week and how I was freezing under my blanket because my heat couldn't catch up.
DrMonkeyLove t1_j816dzc wrote
I really am waiting for February 28th to deliver 13 feet of snow or something.
Jeremys17 t1_j81cn39 wrote
One cold day and every is all "oh what happened to global warming? them stupid scientists had to change it to 'climate change' because they were wrong!"
But when its 66 degrees in February the same people are no where to be found
climb-high t1_j81ekg4 wrote
Your house has insulation issues! Hit up RISE
Full-Supermarket t1_j81pmef wrote
Hope not. I’m actually staying in living room because it’s warm enough now lol
Ok_Culture_3621 t1_j81rn9z wrote
I was going to award this, but I pride myself on not giving Reddit money. Kudos all the same.
rosegirlkrb t1_j81zya7 wrote
I’m not saying it’s climate change but like cmon
rice-a-rohno t1_j823pch wrote
Moon pie...
Krododile28 t1_j825n54 wrote
I did enjoy sitting in my car with my window down and no coat reading a book on my lunch break today… but I kept thinking “it’s so fucked up I’m doing this in February”
Desperate_Expert_952 t1_j826zcj wrote
Cooler Warmer!
Mortal-Cynical-42 t1_j83ksek wrote
“The average temp is still 26 degrees, global warming isn’t real”
alohaHappycampers t1_j84m5xd wrote
i looked at thermometer yesterday and it was 68, wowza wat a beautiful febuary day
Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_j84sps7 wrote
Welcome to Rhode Island, if you don’t like the weather… wait a minute.
DiegoForAllNeighbors t1_j84xmg0 wrote
geffe71 t1_j86yio6 wrote
It will change
jt_tesla t1_j8080t4 wrote
What a time to be alive.