Submitted by Ok_Caregiver_2056 t3_110r8kq in RhodeIsland
[deleted] t1_j8as05u wrote
longislandtoolshed t1_j8auzo7 wrote
Superb owl!
Unusual_Mousse_7600 t1_j8av6jf wrote
I have one of those in my yard. Maybe it's him.
pieceoffit t1_j8avtep wrote
You beat me! That is one fine Superb Owl!
[deleted] t1_j8b1q7e wrote
darekta t1_j8b7hgk wrote
RedditSkippy t1_j8be1d3 wrote
Superb Owl Sunday!
captain_carrot t1_j8beaou wrote
I'm pretty sure that's a barred owl! We have a few of them around us in Charlestown, they are LOUD hooters. Great pic!
Fine-Loquat t1_j8bexle wrote
Sparrow728 t1_j8bp6fh wrote
My mother posted a photo of this guy near her house!
FlashbackBob t1_j8bsvcj wrote
It’s a barred owl. I have one in my backyard. We get into staring contests on the weekends.
FlashbackBob t1_j8bt1ad wrote
Their hoot sounds like “Who cooks for you”?
Darisixnine t1_j8c860s wrote
There was one near me once in Newport, not sure if we still get them but I’ve heard normal owls every night
MargaretDumont t1_j8c9rbo wrote
One of their calls sounds like that but they also have a bunch of others including some real terrifying ones they can pull out just for when I'm solo camping!
PVR_Skep t1_j8cdy1f wrote
GREAT SHOT! Kinda looks like some of the branches are just flowing from right out from behind him/her. I bet if you crop it down a little, it will really emphasize that effect!! Then print the photo at largest size for its best resolution - it would be EFFIN' GREAT FOR FRAMING!! DO IT!!
PVR_Skep t1_j8ce4df wrote
Barred Owl! The original Flatwoods Monster!
overthehillhat t1_j8czi70 wrote
Kirenuchiha t1_j8ddwyp wrote
Oouu! Beautiful owl 😍
BigApple2247 t1_j8f6bvc wrote
Where I live I hear owls every year but can never spot them. Great find!
Content_Ad_7767 t1_j8gaas6 wrote
We have 1 that lives behind our house in the woods. Wicked loud hooter! It's huge!
Content_Ad_7767 t1_j8gacgc wrote
In Massachusetts
Ok_Caregiver_2056 OP t1_j8nr0z2 wrote
No that was me.
Guyincognito4269 t1_j8aouws wrote
Noice! Good shot. Just wish I could have gotten one of the two beavers I saw in Woonsocket today.