Submitted by Bobbito95 t3_111n9us in RhodeIsland

Hey all,

Honestly moved here a while ago. I refuse to pay for cable, so I have a digital antenna for local channels.

I had been watching NBC10, but learned they are owned by Sinclair and I don't like Gene V.

So, what is everyone's favorite? Not even asking for bias or anything, just what do you prefer and why? We get ABC, CBS, PBS, and NBC.



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deadl0ckx2 t1_j8fodfn wrote

I find NBC 10 is the best. Their website is miles better than Channel 12’s, and they do a better job of covering what I’m interested in. I never really thought PBS did local news. And I don’t think many people watch ABC, it always seems like 10 and 12 are the big 2.


zjanderson t1_j8fohaq wrote

I tend to be on WPRI, though WJAR on the weekends is fine. ABC6 is an absolute dumpster fire of a station.


BingBong022 t1_j8fpmmo wrote

I only watch RT news, only non propaganda news


zen_mctunamelt t1_j8fztar wrote

Why bother.? All of the Boston stations are available with antenna.


nbreadcrumb t1_j8gezxw wrote

It’s not TV, but I dig The Public’s Radio, RI’s NPR station, for local news.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_j8hgaq2 wrote

I was always a WJAR (10, nbc) person but then during the pandemic they became one giant pharmaceutical commercial so now I watch WPRI 12 and it’s decent enough. ABC 6 is good to watch if you are looking for comedy blooper type stuff like moments of dead air and newscasters not looking into the correct camera.


jma7400 t1_j8hqeyj wrote

I like channel 10. ABC6 news is trash.


mkmck t1_j8hu6bs wrote

Watched 10 forever until Sinclair took over and turned it into Fox "News"-lite. That, and Valicenti is a fucking clown...unwatchable. Patrice Wood's "use-by" date has long passed as well. She's not offensive, just tired.

WPRI is by far the best in RI. Great anchors, and mostly good reporters. If you miss 12's news broadcast, you can always get the same thing on Fox64 later.

ABC6 is like college TV...amateurish at best.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_j8hvzba wrote

Ohhh… so what’s happening? You know besides perpetuating division, pitching the narrative of new politicians, if your team scored a goal unit basket, taking a stab at the weather, Ukraine, new strains, questionable morals,boosters and Trump.


cbri t1_j8jtkls wrote

"news' is pure mental and emotional manipulation.


zebrawithflowers t1_j8k3lqj wrote

I'm guessing you get to work from home, and nothing outside your space has any affect on you. I, on the other hand, need...

  • Local weather from professional meteorologists who can accurately inform me about bad weather and icy patches on the road (admittedly the weather can change)

  • Information on local initiatives, such as proposed legislation at the State House that I might want to contact my elected officials about

  • Traffic issues, not just a red blotch on Google Maps

  • Details on what's going on otherwise in the state

Maybe if you started thinking about news as more than national ad-driven hyperventilation, you might learn something about the state you live in.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_j8kgkxq wrote

You’d be guessing wrong boo I’m a tow truck driver. If you’re looking for detailed weather forecasts I’d obviously go with the weather network…. Where it’s more accurate and they break it down to where you’ll learn something too. I happen to prefer my barometer but to each their own. Politics local or not is the rich getting richer. They don’t care about you so you’re wasting your time. Traffic is what? 2 mins tops? Cool leave early you’ll be good. So what’s going on in the state? Fill me in because I don’t watch the news. Other than politics of course. Stop viewing the news for legitimately what it is? No thanks man. I’ll keep my peace in the morning while you’re getting worked up about traffic and the next political crisis before you’ve had your toast and jam. You like your news spoon fed like a lot of other people.. enjoy your meal.


SusieRI t1_j8kr4lk wrote

Moved here the summer of 1990, and never could get into any other channel than WPRI 12. Still going strong, morning and evening. That's just my two cents


zebrawithflowers t1_j8ni4cm wrote

"weather network"? Are you talking about the Weather Channel, which thrives on not covering your local weather?

NOAA is best, but meteorologists on overnight shifts in Norton don't know what's happening on the ground in RI, because there are gaps in radar coverage and they can't be in two places at once. (Enter the channel 12 crew who are on the air at 4:30am.)

The rest of your comment shows your deep ignorance of the fact that local decisions affect your life more than you're aware. I'll let you languish in your ignorance, and don't complain about things you personally could have had input about.


Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_j8nln2o wrote

No the weather network. Its a website…. Are you thick or just dumb? Learn weather patterns and how to read a radar and you won’t need the weather mans guess my boi.

Who’s complaining btw? Nothing that happens on a state level affects me. You can vote in or out whoever you want. Have at it man. Either way I’m sitting in my rig waiting for well informed people like yourself to call ignorant dumb dumbs like me for help. $$$$$$ cheers!


fuckyeahcaricci t1_j8ym90e wrote

We watch WJAR out of habit. We like Mario and Alison in the morning, but hate the Sinclair content that they sneak in.

Also not a fan of Gene V. or that guy Dan.

I like all the weather people just fine, but I miss Kelly Bates very much. She's on channel 6.

If I switched, how would I be able to annoy my husband about how the traffic person Rosie doesn't know the difference from work attire and going out attire?

It's a dilemma.