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420foreverandalways t1_ja0ouo0 wrote

Landlords don't provide housing. They horde it, and hold it hostage. They are parasites.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_ja0ral4 wrote

Who builds homes?


420foreverandalways t1_ja3bjy5 wrote

Construction workers, obviously. Landlords only know how to paint things with that thick white paint. Did you think landlords build the houses they own? LMFAO.


Ijustlookedthatup t1_ja3cpd6 wrote

Being as I build homes for a living now, I’m familiar with the process. And funny enough YES! They in fact do!!

Here’s how it works!

Person A has money to build a single family or multi-family structure. The construction firm isn’t going to finance it themselves, they wait usually for someone to approach with a project after securing financing. Then the firm builds it! Isn’t it exciting to learn!! After the build is complete the landlord/owner either rents or lives in the property themselves, although likely with multi-unit structures it goes straight to rental. Hence the landlords are in fact the ones that build homes!! Wasn’t that fun?! I sure had fun :)


420foreverandalways t1_ja3dqx9 wrote

If you pay me to have sex with your wife, are you having sex with your wife?


Ijustlookedthatup t1_ja3dw2k wrote

Well without you paying me, you wouldn’t have sex with my wife. So ultimately I am the one who makes it happen. She’s very happen with you and I’s arrangement btw.