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Rhody1964 t1_j93o42t wrote

It should be illegal the way they gouge people with their pricing. They take total advantage of people at their weakest moments


morbidpete84 t1_j93qr3n wrote

I supply IT services to two vet clinics and I used to think the same. After a long business relationship with one of them just last weekend I was having a discussion with the owner while replacing his X-Ray PC. Looking at his bills from the vendors he uses for imaging, labs, medications, licenses for software that runs the practice the bills added up over 100k just for that month. The hourly rate charged (so what he actually makes and not what he is paying vendors that is passed into the patient) is actually lower than my hourly rate for IT support and I don’t have to pay 8 employees like he does.

Not saying there are not vets out there living it up but the costs are much much higher than I personally thought. Also anything after hours is always a premium. IT, HVAC, plumbing ect. People value their time off and charging higher rates for nights and weekends are more of a deterrent for things that are not an emergency.


raddishes_united t1_j941gyq wrote

Yeah- I’ve been to a lot of vets and have a family member and some friends who are vets/ vet techs and I assure you they are not making money off of people in a time of weakness. This is a very expensive business (like all medical providers) and every single V/ VT is doing this for love, not money.