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thetook t1_jainxsi wrote

seems like challenge... how would we decide which three of us is best for the job?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jaiojaf wrote

EVeryone writes their answer down on a piece of paper and then I announce the real winner is the person from the first time I used this joke a few weeks ago.


SleepyTitan01 t1_jaip1rm wrote

The way I see it we can do one of two things One of us is elected as the “head” and the other two are working in shadows And second we simply split it in three, amass our armies and fight for supremacy


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jaiqdqt wrote

What if there was a power sharing situation like Caesar? You are all in charge equally but no major decisions can be made without the majority of two. This way, you're not as big of a target for the Feds.


SleepyTitan01 t1_jaisokk wrote

See I’m down with that but with our feds? We’re just three dead bodies


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jaiume9 wrote

I hear your concerns and I understand. Can you just do me a favor and walk down the hallway? I'll be with you in a second and we can figure out what to do instead.