Nevvermind183 t1_jb1m84j wrote
He did this stuff just to go viral to profit more from his show.
stinkbonesjones t1_jb1mhtt wrote
GOAT judge plain and simple. Wish he was on the supreme Court. Used to watch him on public access years ago. What a decent human being.
GhostOpera406 t1_jb1p9rs wrote
And still helped people more than most other folks in the system. Isn't that a win-win?
ApocolipticBingoCard t1_jb1wap4 wrote
savevideobot t1_jb1wc1o wrote
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downpat t1_jb1wcbd wrote
Public officials shouldn’t be entitled to personally profit from their office just because they help others…
geffe71 t1_jb1wldc wrote
So public access from 20 years ago going viral was his fault?
YouTube wasn’t even a thing back then. Caught in Providence predates YouTube by 5 years.
And he didn’t get a tv deal on ABC6 until a few years ago and more acclaim after that.
It was on public access for 15 years. But sure, he profited off free tv for those 15
Nevvermind183 t1_jb1wwlu wrote
It ended a year or so ago and he and his family personally profited off of the show.
If he made judgements, either harsher or more lenient because he thought it could make good tv, on a show he profited on I would say we should have a major issue with it.
Nevvermind183 t1_jb1xn23 wrote
His brother made at least $100k per year on the show, the show aired on prime time on a legal network and the YouTube channel has over 2mil subs. Someone is making a profit
Now we know that this is an incredibly profitable business, and likely many members of the Caprio family are profiting from the TV show. "
"If I were the City of Providence, I would ask myself why this family has [potentially] been able to make millions and millions of dollars using city facilities and a city office, and the City of Providence hasn't received a dime." (City Council spokesman Parker Gavigan confirmed that the city receives no revenue from "Caught in Providence," according to the city finance department.)
GhostOpera406 t1_jb1ybs4 wrote
I agree. But Judge Caprio is on the bottom of the totem pole compared to the revolving door of speaker -> lobbyist that we see at the State House.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_jb1z89a wrote
The loophole being exploited is he doesn’t get a salary from the show but his immediate family does.
All told, it’s probably not worth mustering too much outrage over, but every time people canonize the guy, I get a headache from how hard I roll my eyes in response
LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_jb1zt44 wrote
Going to miss this man!
zinziesmom t1_jb206uq wrote
He’s one of the reasons I’m (kind of) proud to live in Rhode Island. What a great guy!
[deleted] t1_jb20poq wrote
downpat t1_jb242dl wrote
The fact that this comment is getting downvoted is the most pathetically Rhode Island thing. We’re okay with grifters here!
downpat t1_jb24b1p wrote
I guess I disagree. A man and his family were able to personally profit for years off of a television show made in a Providence courtroom when the city, with its failing school system, didn’t make a dime.
GhostOpera406 t1_jb24quc wrote
I think this is a fair criticism. 👍
evillordsoth t1_jb2e5nl wrote
He was an excellent person and judge before he was ever on tv.
He has helped a lot of people over the years.
Nevvermind183 t1_jb2ec3u wrote
I didn’t say he wasn’t. Strange this sub isn’t concerned with what’s presented in this article though
Squints753 t1_jb2fceq wrote
Many judges do this. Most of them don't use our tax dollars to produce their TV shows
The_Dream_of_Shadows t1_jb2j8lo wrote
>"If I were the City of Providence, I would ask myself why this family has [potentially] been able to make millions and millions of dollars using city facilities and a city office, and the City of Providence hasn't received a dime." (City Council spokesman Parker Gavigan confirmed that the city receives no revenue from "Caught in Providence," according to the city finance department.)
I think it's more than a little ironic that the City of Providence accuses Caprio and his folks of being pieces of shit for capitalizing on the sudden fame they got from going viral, when the only reason they're complaining now is because he went viral, and the councilmen now have dollar signs in their eyes and want a cut of the loot.
They didn't complain about Caprio using their facilities when he was making squat from the, suddenly, he hits it big, and they have a problem. Or, rather, one guy has a problem, because clearly his city councilman gig isn't good enough for him.
As if the biggest issue facing Providence right now is lack of royalties from a court show...and as if they currently aren't sitting on millions of dollars in COVID relief money that no one seems to be interested in spending on the city.
Nevvermind183 t1_jb2jf4x wrote
His brother alone admitted to making a over $100k a year from the show while it was being produced. The shower aired in prime time on a legal channel and the YouTube channel has millions of subs. He went viral several years ago online, this isn’t new.
GhostOpera406 t1_jb2ltkf wrote
FWIW, I upvoted you. I just don't put Judge Caprio as the #1 grifter :)
undergroundbastard t1_jb2oegz wrote
jma7400 t1_jb2tm9v wrote
This guy helping more people than the governor
FrutaFertil t1_jb3c7t9 wrote
The city is currently providing a set for a TV show for free, as well as the talent. That’s a pretty profitable enterprise for whoever runs the show, and normally a show would incur all those costs. Why can’t the city charge their fair share? Idk maybe use it to fund a driver education program! This place needs one.
The_Dream_of_Shadows t1_jb3jjxk wrote
I do want to clarify: it's not that I don't think the city has a right to request a cut from Caprio and the show, or that they never did...
It's the fact that they say on their behinds and seemingly didn't care when the show was not that profitable, only to now suddenly get all butthurt over a situation they could easily have resolved years ago, that irritates me.
Was the show maybe a little wrong for not offering anything? Possibly, maybe even probably. But the city established an implied status quo for years by not saying anything about it, so for them to speak up now comes off as a bit grubby.
Bad_Karma21 t1_jb3z2h9 wrote
His family is full of lawyers and RI history. I'm sure he's not too concerned about the money.
Bad_Karma21 t1_jb3z7f9 wrote
His brother is also a successful attorney; so I don't know how much he relied on that 100k.
[deleted] t1_jb4d2i7 wrote
chomerics t1_jb50b48 wrote
Then have the city post the channel on YouTube and make revenue.
The article was a hit job, no question. They quoted him as saying “his family has made millions and millions off providence” when in the article it says they don’t know how much they made.
I have zero problem with this, if RI wants to make money on it they can, they decided to let him run his show. Also, the author seems to write an awful lot about politics and has a conservative bent (pro law enforcement, anti teacher) so call me shocked a conservative is attacking a liberal for being a decent human being.
chomerics t1_jb50hgk wrote
The fact that you are calling the judge a grifter while commenting in a RI sub is the most pathetically RI think I’ve seen.
chomerics t1_jb50kxk wrote
How is he using “your tax dollars” he is producing the show at his expense, and making money off it.
chomerics t1_jb50ts9 wrote
How do you know “it is an incredibly profitable business” have you seen their books? And who cares if they make money by showing a judge being a decent human being? It’s not on your dime, why are you so butt hurt?
chomerics t1_jb513s2 wrote
Which they AGREED to. . .how does that escape you? The city can profit on this, they chose not to, and the free pub and branding is worth the weight in gold.
chomerics t1_jb51i1m wrote
So go through the case files; look for discrepancies, and file a formal complaint. There is no evidence of this, and in fact he was doing this for decades, so you have the results to analyze if you want.
Your arguments are based on conjecture
WickedDog310 t1_jb52gi7 wrote
Katherine Gregg LOVES to criticize, which I have no problem with, but if you're willing to criticize the problem you have to be part of the solution. She never put forward alternatives. She's never seeking better more equitable solutions. She just loves to tear everything down.
Squints753 t1_jb5awz9 wrote
He's not paying for clerks, bailiffs, or other court staff. You actually believe these people are getting paid twice?
c0rd0n7 t1_jb5bre4 wrote
Love this idea.
FrutaFertil t1_jb7pcq6 wrote
It doesn’t matter that they’re now being grubby.The show runners got a free ride for a long minute and they aren’t owed that anymore. You know, the city putting on their business thinking cap is a good thing for its citizens. Imagine if the city could raise revenue from this instead of taxing us more.
FrutaFertil t1_jb7pmqz wrote
The city can change its mind and ask for their cut. Nothing is written in stone. It’s almost like we’re penalizing present citizens for the actions of past politicians. Sounds like the present folks in office are smarter and that’s a welcome change.
Then-Attention3 t1_jc4uz91 wrote
What caught my eye is the “city of providence hasn’t made a dime off this show?” Neither has the civilians featured on it. Rhode Island nickels and dimes you for everything. I lived a lot of places. I was shocked when I had to pay road taxes, especially considering as of 2022 Rhode Island has the worst roads in the country.
Then everything else sucks too. I’ve dealt with Medicaid, snap, wic in ALOT of other states. I was military. California, South Carolina. Alot to list and Rhode Island is up there on the worst. To the point I’ve called the governors office to get answers back from those places.
But Rhode Island is always concerned with how much they’re making. Not how much the people are getting. Are our schools great? Homelessness down? Employment up? Are our roads even drivable?
I have no problem with paying high taxes so much so I would do so for universal healthcare and school. But to see them criticize this guy because they didn’t cut of the money kills me. Especially because honestly, I appreciate the judges empathy and understanding. You don’t see that often and if he does it for a show, ya know what at least he’s doing it. Becaus some of the judges here suck.
Stubeezy OP t1_jb1ism1 wrote
Caprio should be on the state flag curling an anchor for RI.