Submitted by Expensive-Economy524 t3_11koq8v in RhodeIsland

Looking for a location not too far from the Conjuring House in Burrillville, RI in April. My team and I are doing a investigation there and are trying to find another location to investigate. We’re staying in Webster, MA. I know the Lizzie Borden house isn’t too far but trying to find something not as known or less expensive to rent. Thanks for any ideas!



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Muppets_Attack t1_jb8csou wrote

Morth providence Library was on Kindred Spirits a couple of weeks ago. Also the monastery in cumberland.


SageFrancisSFR t1_jb8hbsa wrote

I stayed a night in the Lizzie Borden house. Good luck finding a location that’s cheaper than that if you’re trying to totally grift folks. Lots of creepy looking places in New England. You won’t be capturing “ghosts” on camera. Or in a canister.


geekgirl717 t1_jb8zog8 wrote

The Graduate Hotel aka The Biltmore is 100+ and there were stories involving a suicide from the 40’s, I think.

It’s New England… every other house is “haunted”. My kids still talk about “the little girl who lives” in our bathroom window. Maybe try private rental?

There’s also the site of Dudley Town in CT, not too far. Dudley Town, CT

Edit 2: MA is home to some defunct mental institutions that may make for tense footage.


devinmarieb t1_jb93arw wrote

Might look in to old small graveyards, as long as you’re not trespassing to get to them. IIRC one graveyard here has a “vampire” buried in it and one has a “witch” that cursed the whole town. I think the witch’s grave is somewhere in Foster, which isn’t too far from Burrillville.


RandomChurn t1_jb97n5g wrote

>MA is home to some defunct mental institutions

I grew up on the North Shore and "Danvers" (we all just called it that) was a Victorian-era state mental institution still being used into at least the 70s. As children just the word "Danvers" was enough to be deeply scary.

They finally shuttered it and while the asbestos removal was going on, they allowed an indy film crew in to shoot a low budget movie. Watching that was how I finally saw the inside.

:: shudder ::

Rooms in the basement for shock treatment and lobotomies and other unimaginable horrors


sjgcps t1_jb99rxz wrote

The Freetown state forest is claimed to be one of, if not the most haunted forests in America. Roughly 15 Minutes from the Lizzie Borden properties.


OctoberRust13 t1_jb9petx wrote

the exeter woods.


the bridgewater triangle