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upcountry_degen t1_je794tw wrote

It is worth noting RI has a couple of measures in place that many other states do not: A 7 day waiting period which serves as a cool down period, but it also is time in which the paperwork must be signed off on by the purchasers local police department. In many of these mass shootings law enforcement has been familiar with the shooter, but shooter didn’t have a record which flags on the 4473 (form filled out for Federal background check) so they were able to purchase firearms legally. In the case of RI the local PD can deny the sale if the person doesn’t have a criminal history, but is known to have issues that haven’t involved arrest (psych, substance abuse, etc) and would be concerning for firearm purchase. The only exception to this is if someone holds a CCW, however those require a substantial amount of vetting in RI including qualifying with a firearm, 3 references with notarized letters, finger prints, meeting with local PD etc.


sbaz86 t1_je7ohfr wrote

This does make me feel just a little better. Granted, it’s not perfect and if someone truly wants to do something, you really can’t stop them, but at least we are doing better than some states who will give guns to anyone with a pulse.


khais t1_je7wy5w wrote

I don't like that it leaves a great deal of subjectivity and discretion to law enforcement, who are prone to behaving like schoolyard bullies.


sbaz86 t1_je81vdh wrote

While I do understand and respect your opinion, I would just rather be safe than sorry. I have a few elementary aged kids, I do worry. People applying shouldn’t receive a hold back for a license for no reason, and I also think people should be able to “appeal” any hold backs, but I would rather have those safe guards than not have them. I am a pro gun person, I just don’t think “everybody” should have them. Who should and who shouldn’t, and up to who’s discretion? Great question and I don’t have all the answers, but I think where we are is a good start to a huge problem.


barsoapguy t1_je869bg wrote

Wait, in order for me to CC, I have to get three people to vouch for me ? Damn


degggendorf t1_je9kikw wrote

> In the case of RI the local PD can deny the sale if the person doesn’t have a criminal history, but is known to have issues that haven’t involved arrest

Is there any public info about how often that happens?

Anecdotally, I have heard about different town's police captains (or maybe town charters or something?) and whether they subscribe to a "shall issue" or "may issue" philosophy; like, whether the police just rubber stamp applications, or if they do actual vetting.

But that's also second-hand likely-misremembered info too, which is why I'm interested to learn more/be corrected.


dollrussian t1_jeeoqht wrote

And there’s people who want to remove these laws????????????


glennjersey t1_jefo2bx wrote

Imagine if the same burden were placed on the right to speak freely, or vote? You wouldn't be up in arms over it?


dollrussian t1_jeh4cfq wrote

oh my god, shut UP. Our right to free speech is about to be taken away by the RESTRICT act anyways.

literally, shut up. kids are DYING and all youre doing is whining about guns because you have to just have your boom boom toy that you have no reason to own besides the false sense of security it gives you.

why i'm even bothering to respond to you, i dont know. have your hunting riffles, have your hand guns, but somethings gotta give.