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Proof-Variation7005 t1_jeahpaq wrote

Plenty of school shootings have occurred at schools with armed security. It didn't help the kids in Columbine or Parkland.


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jebiqy0 wrote

Didn’t the school resource office in Parkland hide outside? A lot of good that did eh?


RandomChurn t1_jee7ozu wrote

Not to mention Uvalde TX where the entire police force, armed to the teeth with military-grade hardware, didn't dare go inside


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jee803n wrote

Stark comparison to the two brave officers from Tennessee, who used their training and wasted absolutely no time. The body cam footage should be sent to Uvalde police department for training.


Imjusthereforgossip3 OP t1_jef6ckp wrote

Yeah exactly. If we want armed security at every school we have to make sure they’re not flirting with the kindergarten teacher when a shooter shows up.


Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jef75uf wrote

That would be a given, best to have their own office with CCTV screens displaying all entrances and exits. Security personal can be female as well. It’s always a good idea to outline policy for your security to avoid such situations.