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WhatNameDidIUseAgain t1_jbqnayw wrote

Listen I love that people are trying to fix the housing market but we need low-cost housing, not high-cost apartments.

Plus I think the building looks ugly as shit


Silentjosh37 t1_jbqo64z wrote

Exactly. There needs to be better options than just building more luxury/high priced housing and hoping it lowers the cost of other housing eventually. There needs to be housing built that addresses the need for lower cost rentals, not saying that luxury and higher priced properties can't exist as well, I don't think anyone is saying that it shouldn't exist, just that it can't be the only thing people build in the city.

And yes the design of this building was awful it would have stuck out like a sore thumb and ruined the appeal of our skyline.


khais t1_jbqvpvh wrote

I agree with the points about housing, but the providence skyline is a crumbling and empty Superman building and a hotel connected to a shopping mall.


fishythepete t1_jbrez5j wrote

Tell me, where is the new construction low cost housing that folks should look to for an example of how things should be done?


Status_Silver_5114 t1_jbskq1n wrote

Not in the Fane plans! that’s the point is getting crowed at as being NIMBY reflexively.


The_Dream_of_Shadows OP t1_jbtnzqb wrote

My sole objection to the building was aesthetic.

Want to build luxury housing in Providence? Think it will have a good effect on the economy? Whatever, go ahead--I'm not an economist, so I don't know what effects luxury/non-luxury/other types of housing would have.

But as a human with eyes, who appreciates aesthetic continuity, the building's proposed design was horrific. It did not fit in at all with the city's old-style skyline. It looked like some random film designer from Star Trek dropped a building from one file into another file for a 1900s historical documentary.


Tortankum t1_jbubdig wrote

What the fuck does it mean to build cheap apartments? Anything brand new in providence is by default luxury because everything else is old as shit.

We need more housing period. Please just fucking build something.