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RivalSFx t1_jbqyx3u wrote

Nothing against Dave's Market, they are great. But that strip is garbage. As many stated, try a bakery.... And definitely get some pizza chips from The Original Italian Bakery.


Environmental-Ad4090 t1_jbquk00 wrote

man if you don’t get yourself a pizza strip from a real bakery!


nathanaz t1_jbr0x6a wrote

One could definitely do worse than Dave’s…


ScatmanCrothers10 OP t1_jbqvkhq wrote

Haha def looking for some suggestions


Environmental-Ad4090 t1_jbqvvfv wrote

My current spots are Lasalle Bakery, D Palmieris, and Colvittos


maybebullshitmaybe t1_jbr8gjp wrote

I'm gonna add depetrillos in here but agree


Environmental-Ad4090 t1_jbr8zg4 wrote

how could I have forgotten depetrillos


maybebullshitmaybe t1_jbr9pp3 wrote

♥️ it's close to my house so that's where I usually go. But depalmieris is also a keeper for me. As a Rhode islander my travel is limited 😂


maybebullshitmaybe t1_jbra44e wrote

Also .... question. I've only ever been to colvittos once because again... we're talking ALLL the way in Narragansett lol but their strips are different aren't they? They do cheese right? Or do they have the "normal" ones too? Because the one time I went with someone else our strips had cheese. which as a cheese lover was fine for me but jus wondering from someone who has clearly been more than myself


Wyrmslayer t1_jbqwx04 wrote

Second Colvitos. They’re awesome


mmelectronic t1_jbqz1u6 wrote

If you go to D Palmeris get one of each, theres one with parm and one without.


beauford3641 t1_jbt058h wrote

Calvittos are some of my favorites. Especially the ones with the grated cheese on top.


GotenRocko t1_jbr7264 wrote

Sal's bakery, they also have ones with toppings, love the spinach pesto they have.


shk_88 t1_jbqx9ri wrote

Solitros in Cranston…never fails


RandomChurn t1_jbsefp5 wrote

Silver Star bakery on Ives in Fox Point, Providence


Shoddy-Sleep-8832 t1_jbrxo6d wrote

Antonios bakery/Charlie's deli (same place 2 names) in warwick. Also try the pizza chips.


frustratedmachinist t1_jbske0z wrote

Cross the border to Pawcatuck CT and go to the Pizza Lady. They have the best strips I’ve ever had.


bambooboi t1_jbsrha7 wrote

Pizza chips, baby!

They even have a deal with Summit Dispensary for "special" pizza chips


esquilax t1_jbt5br8 wrote

I don't get that. So you get high, and then all the pizza chips are gone already?


Heddlok t1_jbquiw2 wrote

I might be the only Rhode Islander who doesn’t really care for these


NotAFlamingo t1_jbssb7k wrote

My friends' parents used to get big party pizzas like this for birthday parties. I never understood why everyone would ooooh and aaaah over the party pizza. I was just like.... where's the cheese?


Shoddy-Sleep-8832 t1_jbry31h wrote

They're not my favorite but bland tomato sauce pizza is still better than no pizza. I'm still eaten 'em if it's in front of me at a party, would never buy it though. Sometimes they're pretty decent if the prevailing flavor is decent Olive oil.


FourAM t1_jbsull8 wrote

Bland? Listen I’m not chomping at the bit to get more bakery pizza all the time, but if your description includes the word “bland” the you have obviously been eating shit-tier ones made by people who said “oh just put sauce on bread? These chuckefucks in this state’ll eat ANYTHING”


zjanderson t1_jbt0c2h wrote

I’m not a fan. It’s the most overrated excuse for pizza.


RecoillessRifle t1_jbt3s49 wrote

I’m actually from Connecticut, but I can’t stand these either. There’s plenty of real pizza in RI.


theironthroneismine t1_jbtdrzw wrote

Same. I want to the original Italian bakery and the chips were okay toasted but I was underwhelmed


PVR_Skep t1_jbrjami wrote

Same here. Much ado about pizza that has... NO TOPPINGS!! Yet costs more.


BingBong022 t1_jbqvppu wrote

It's amazing how RI figured out how to mess up pizza


stan_milgram t1_jbqza4a wrote

"Pizza" shouldn't even be in the name. It's a piece of bread with tomato paste on it.


wwj t1_jbr7jie wrote

In upstate NY, they are called tomato pie.


Shoddy-Sleep-8832 t1_jbry65w wrote

In new haven a tomato pie is an entirely different animal and its glorious.


sophware t1_jbre5s6 wrote

I'm going to agree with you and with the downvotes, somehow.

I've been a RIer for a loooong time but was originally a New Yorker. I got made fun of for holding a pizza slice (real pizza) using the fold technique. The person was laughing while I was like, "This is like getting made fun of for shooting a basketball normally instead of granny style."

All due respect for people who like the granny shot for free throws and red strips for parties (I sometimes bring 'em), but the following is how you shoot a basketball, even for a free throw:

…and the following is pizza:

Sure, there's room for coal-fired, wood fired, grilled, apizza (New Haven), deep dish (hi Chicago--we can get along), and their cousins red pizza/ pizza strips/ bakery pizza/ party pizza/ whatever. Even in NY, Sicilian is recognized (and sometimes preferred); and we can all appreciate a calzone.


BingBong022 t1_jbsqbak wrote

Lmao, now you're getting down voted. Reddit is hilarious 😂


stenmark t1_jbt8u52 wrote

Um, little Vincent's is OK if it's after last call and you're too drunk to know any better. Otherwise it's trash level.


sophware t1_jbtunpi wrote

The choice of "trash level" disarms that comment. Maybe they've gone downhill, but there's no reason to believe so here. I'm guessing they're still the best.

Huntington people know pizza. That spot is expensive for the owners. LV's not going to survive just on blackout-drunk buyers a few nights a week. Last I heard, they weren't just surviving.

I'll give the comment this: people have always gone there after having more than a couple of drinks. There are few things that go so well with after-bar munchies than two awesome slices of LV with cold mozz thrown on top. NYC's Halal Guys would be an example of something else I crave in that kind of situation. Haven Bros rocks for me, too. It's also a fucking treat to see an order of 4 all the way bring joy.

LV has always been hopping well outside of drunk hours. Decades of double-parked cars lapping up boxes to take away the "trash."

To people who want post-party DiRaimo's (assuming it's still around and awesome), I'd say, "Sweet--I'm coming, too." Maybe I'd talk some "trash," but not in some impotent way. Good pizza is not a zero sum game.

Yucking someone's yum is pathetic. Sometimes, it's a special kind of stupid pathetic. On subjective matters, it's hard to be wrong--hard but achievable.


Jymantis t1_jbr1ajf wrote

Born and bred RI guy and that shit is not pizza. My family had the first pizza joint on Long Island in NY so I have some authority on the subject.


Wide_Television_7074 t1_jbr92b4 wrote

why do you have authority? your family made pizza, not you


Jymantis t1_jbrc5ki wrote

My great grandparents and my grandpa "Pa" were immigrants who moved to NY from Sicily. My Pa made countless pies at that place as a kid. He taught me when our family would visit him when I was a kid.


ScatmanCrothers10 OP t1_jbqthmj wrote

Grew up in Worcester, Ma. Have been living in Rhode Island for about 4 years now. Have always wanted to try a pizza strip. Loved it. Def worth the hype!!


needathneed t1_jbrdssx wrote

Please God go to a real bakery and get a fresh, unwrapped one with a crispy bottom!


AshieSmashie t1_jbr3oui wrote

It's good stuff! While it's not really "pizza", it's definitely in the family and deserves a try. I'm a south county boy, so Colvittos in Narragansett is a good pick!


BuntCarf t1_jbr0p29 wrote

There always was something comforting about a half box of room temp Crugnale's on top of the fridge during those early hangover mornings.


UnderwaterInRI t1_jbqy6f2 wrote

I like Dave's too but be prepared if you try others because Dave's are definitely the sweetest tasting version of pizza strips around.
Others are far more acidic or even bordering on "earthy" tasting. This means they last a long longer without molding though. Dave's strips only give an extra day or two at room temperature max, despite what the sell by date suggests.

Also their party box got shrinkflated to hell, went from 27 stripes to 18 and still rose a dollar in price.


will_this_1_work t1_jbr6bpi wrote

The mold is the reason I can’t do pizza strips. At least from Dave’s


UnderwaterInRI t1_jbr7brg wrote

I buy the single strips like this for much the same reason, just grab and eat immediately.


buddhamanjpb t1_jbqxu6o wrote

Deptrillos in Coventry, the original Italian Bakery in Johnston.

Getting this for the first time from Dave's is like trying a burger for the first time and going to McDonalds.


stopleavingvoicemail t1_jbquco0 wrote

Dave’s are my favorite. Im prepared for all the shade I’m about to get for that statement.


yoyo5396 t1_jbqwmux wrote

They make the best party pizza. But strips, I'd rather go to a local Italian bakery.


DreaminSpielberg t1_jbrgkdx wrote

God they are good.

All pizza is good. I don’t pizza shame


DarkBlue222 t1_jbr9e2s wrote

Those damn things are part of the reason I am fat.


beauford3641 t1_jbt0bay wrote

Same. Especially at this time of year, when the zeppoles are out.


wormholeweapons t1_jbr7jk3 wrote

Nothing wrong with Dave’s in a pinch. But go to a real bakery. I’m a fan of Palmeris and deptrilos.


rinygiants t1_jbra2y1 wrote

Original Italian Bakery pizza chips!


SqueakieDeekie t1_jbriokm wrote

Im sorry to tell you this, but no, you still haven’t tried a pizza strip.


ExcellentNetwork4335 t1_jbtsl4v wrote

You should try De Petrillo's Pizza & Bakery. They’re much better choice.


simonjones321 t1_jbr02qd wrote

The bread boss in Johnston has the best pizza strips


macdaddyold t1_jbrfd4t wrote

That’s not a true pizza strip. D palmeri’s. Try it


fatsmilyporkchop t1_jbrj6m7 wrote

Ew! Go to a legit bakery. You’ll never want from Dave’s again.


CaroKannyeWest t1_jbrjxtj wrote

This is the world perfect snack when you don't want to go out for something, don't want to cook at home. God bless pizza trips but definitely try one from a real bakery.


ReallyBadToot t1_jbrn5xy wrote

How has no one mentioned Calvittos?!?? They are the best IMO


Major_Marbles t1_jbrp8zm wrote

Check out the pizza strips at Chef-a-roni


[deleted] t1_jbrqyb9 wrote

That looks so incredibly bad


mydogisfour t1_jbru763 wrote

This came up in my suggested posts, I’ve never been to rd island (I’m from vt), is this a real thing??? A bit horrified and intrigued


Shoddy-Sleep-8832 t1_jbs33vm wrote

It's real. Almost every Italian bakery in the state of RI has them. They're not bad for party/drinkin food for a crowd because they are best at room temperature. The profile is a heavily spiced paste like tomato sauce and a prevailing flavor of olive oil, sometimes with a tiny bit of inferior parmesan cheese on top. If it's a decent bakery, with decent dough and they use good ingredients, they're pretty good, because you can clearly taste the few ingredients present without any delicious melty cheese hiding any imperfections. If its poor, its really really noticiably bland and terrible. That and theres pizza Chips. I can't really explain those, you'd have to see them. Like room temp thin small palm sized disc shaped lightly sauced crisp dough pizza-esq things, usually sold in a cellophane bag.


kbd77 t1_jbt6rik wrote

The trick is to not think of it as pizza. The name is a misnomer. It’s just crispy bread with a flavorful red sauce on top, and it’s delicious. Simple, but satisfying, and an easy party food because you can buy a shitload of them for cheap.


evoelker t1_jbry0m3 wrote

Last time I was there they had them at eastside market for 99 cents a piece and they were bigger than that, but that was last summer


Chemical-Metal8627 t1_jbryio6 wrote

Best is from D’Palmeri’s bakery on killingly st in Johnston, R.I hands down. Highly suggested


stpetepatsfan t1_jbs0fvm wrote

I remember having some in Mass. Likely cum. farms where I worked at the time. Long time ago.

I recall you hey we're actually pretty good.


Blastgirl69 t1_jbsu59i wrote

Sals Bakery on Chalkstone Ave. Theirs is AMAZING


Lostkiddo101 t1_jbsu8rp wrote

Try it from an actual Italian bakery for the full experience. I used to think it was just weird loyal RI bs because all the previous strips I tried were garbage but the seasoning, bread quality, and tomatoes make a big difference.

I’d recommend Scialo Bros or Bread Unlimited, both off Atwells


stevemandudeguy t1_jbsuypo wrote

My favorites come from Colvitos in Narragansett


Ok-Tree-3877 t1_jbt3tjw wrote

I was trying to explain these to my parents on New York after I live in RI for 15 years. My father looked at it and laughed.


TheThinker21 t1_jbt4mlc wrote

Nah homie, that’s a knock off. Love Dave’s, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re gonna get a strip, get it at a bakery.


ScatmanCrothers10 OP t1_jbt5lt7 wrote

Yea I didn’t really provide much context here. I wasn’t originally going Dave’s to grab one. I was there for their pistachio loaf. But saw them and grabbed one last second before I checked out. Loving all the recommendations though as I will try to hit all of the spots around RI.


Till_Mysterious t1_jbt5rtc wrote

Try west's bakery in hope valley. Not only are their pizza strips some of the best but they have an amazing original homemade Bismark recipe that you have to try.


PresentSky1080 t1_jbtamsc wrote

My wife and daughter like the pizza strips from de palmaries and de petrillo's


Major_Fang t1_jbtfwnp wrote

You need to get that from a bakery homie


401-Climber t1_jbti41p wrote

Then threw it in the trash? Cuz they garbage.


WarwickRI t1_jbvfxtl wrote

Don’t listen to these people. Dave’s is amazing and so are their pizza strips


hawkiltree t1_jbtc1jg wrote

How underwhelmed are you on a scale of 1 to -20


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_jbtlb2a wrote

All due respect…seriously. I live that you’re trying it. Howevah, you really should get one from a quality bakery. It’s just not the same.


TheGrandPeckingOrder t1_jbtnl0i wrote

Trash compared to others immediately available. Get yourself a 1/2 sheet from Depetrillos in Coventry and thank me later.


bunkin t1_jbuce95 wrote

What is up with Rhode Island’s culinary snack choices?


BamaHamYum t1_jbw9ceu wrote

Pizza chef from New Orleans here. Could any locals describe to me exactly what I'm looking at here, how it's made, and where to find it?


Difficult_Fly7034 t1_jc3ug62 wrote

Are you even a true rhode islander if you don't like pizza strips especially as a kid


taiju22 t1_jbrqmb2 wrote

Hot take. Party pizza is not as good as people desperately try to make it seem.


[deleted] t1_jbto5uk wrote

Gross Rhode Island sucks. Can’t wait for Ct to invade their weak ass.


DiabeticGrungePunk t1_jbrs0ua wrote

I haven't had one in probably fifteen years but I was not a fan of these. One of the few RI food's I can't get down with, been living here almost 30 years. I'm just not huge on tomato sauce in general, too much ruins pizza and pasta for me


CaterpillarObvious42 t1_jbsdrzi wrote

I think I speak for all New Yorkers when I say “da fuq is that?


Ross_Noir t1_jbrhw5d wrote

I'm sorry. I've been tricked too many times since moving to RI - "Don't worry there will be pizza".


icunucme2 t1_jbssqm9 wrote

🤮🤮😵‍💫😵‍💫🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 that should never be called pizza. It’s disrespectful to pizza which is hot, sold in slices not strips, WITH CHEESE, and certainly not wrapped in plastic sold at gas station checkout counters foh 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


UsedCollection5830 t1_jbr95ix wrote

I don't know about the pizza but that boy got a cute thumb 🥺🥺🥺😂😂😂😂


Subbacterium t1_jbrq3b0 wrote

As a New Englander. What is that thing?


OldStoneMill401 t1_jbr1qz9 wrote

If it doesn't have cheese, it's not pizza!!! TMNT would cry.


Coincel_pro t1_jbr6b6i wrote

Toss it in the trash where it belongs
