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fishythepete t1_jdkecbs wrote

You’ll get a default judgment (you’re guilty), probably more fines, possibly your license or registration revoked. If showing up is a hardship be an adult and let them know. If you know better than them how it should have been handled, you’re gonna do you no matter what anyone says.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkewwm wrote

I asked so i can make an educated decision. Don't be a smart ass, i asked because i don't know everything.


fishythepete t1_jdkjgb3 wrote

>will i just get a fine billed to me as it should've been from the start?

Cool you do you. I’ll help you though - there’s only one educated decision when the question is “Should I show up for a mandatory court appearance?”


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkkcha wrote

Must be a great view from that high horse you're currently sitting upon. I am but a squire to your infallible and superior logic my lord.


fishythepete t1_jdklt4q wrote

High horse? Understanding that when you are required to show up in court, that it means that you are not special and are in fact required to show up in court, is elitist? The person who understands that they have to follow the rules is acting superior to the person who thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to them because they know better?

That’s a take.


Affectionate_Worth82 OP t1_jdkmi03 wrote

To quote from you. “You do you”

I didn’t ask for special treatment. I’m weighing my options.
