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hcwhitewolf t1_jcbjq4i wrote

What an odd article. They present the 3% increase for natural gas as the annual amount of $51 as some insurmountable amount and then when it comes to the 25% decrease in electrical rate, they call it a “slim margin” and present as only a monthly savings of $17 instead of presenting it similar to the natural gas increase ($204 decrease annualized, if you didn’t do the math).

Just such a weird way to write an article and indicates a bit of a lean in the author’s narrative.

No fan of RIE, but subversive journalism isn’t the answer.


huh_phd t1_jcbprjy wrote

And this is why I write fuck you on the subject line of my checks to them.


degggendorf t1_jcbr2sy wrote

Just for clarity, the reason for the requested increase to rates is increased infrastructure investment, not the cost of the gas itself. The main driver is their replacement program for what they identify as "Leak Prone Pipe", as the requested new weld shop - which may have brought long-term savings - has since been removed.

Whether LPP really needs to be replaced, or if their definition of "leak prone" needs to be revised, or if their replacement schedule is too aggressive, or whatever is well beyond my expertise, but this isn't quite as clear-cut as "RIE wants to make 3% more profit so they're raising prices 3%".


GotenRocko t1_jcc4a7i wrote

Funny they presented it so sloppy, because if they did a little more research they would see the 25% decrease is only in relation to the current winter rate, it's much higher than last years summer rate. It's 36% higher than last summer, and it's actually higher than the winter 2021 rate. So there is no decrease at all for electricity. And it wouldn't be annualized because the rates are for 6months, they will jump up again in the fall.


degggendorf t1_jccm1bk wrote

>why would taxpayers pay for the gas company's infrastructure improvements?

Taxpayers aren't paying for it, their customers would be.

>ok so NOW, take all the reasons you just pulled out of your as

What exactly do you think I made up? Everything I said was factual and I purposely gave no opinion


barsoapguy t1_jccnl01 wrote

I mean gas infrastructure has to be maintained in a timely manner. Definitely don’t want to wait for something horrific to happen like in other places where they’ve ignored the infrastructure.


Vortesian t1_jcd54wc wrote

Who’s regulating these utilities anyway?


techsavior t1_jcds9d4 wrote

RI Energy doesn’t even see the check. It’s sent to a processing company that opens the envelopes and writes the deposit for them. You’re just pissing off some random person that has no business taking the piss.


monkiesandtool t1_jcdt5xa wrote

From experience looking at BGE projects as a contractor.

The most typically approach with an older leaky pipe (usually cast iron) is essentially inserting a plastic pipe into it (not sure if it's pipe relining). The older residential stuff usually is 3/4" to 3" inner diameter.

Fun fact, when looking at some information on the BGE system, one of the oldest still in use pipe dates back to the late 1890's.


alwaysfng t1_jceqczi wrote

Dead insertion is not typically used in our area due to the requirement the system be taken offline. A new system is usually installed and the customers transfered to it so those transfers can be done quickly.


degggendorf t1_jcf85d7 wrote

Electric supply is deregulated in our state, you are free to choose a different supplier.

RIE has a monopoly on distribution, which is why any distribution charges they charge have a capped ROI (essentially, profit) percentage, approved by the PUC. Whether they are taking a fair ROI is a matter of opinion, but I personally see any external profitability as unreasonable; it's a universal need, it should be run by the municipality and not turn a profit, just like our water, sewer, road, etc. systems. That said, if we're stuck with a commercial model, them taking (IIRC) 5% profit seems at least less bad than it could be.


Alternative-Bat-8453 t1_jchajdl wrote

I’d love to know why the delivery services are double the supply services! delivery $94.46, $48.60 supply.