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Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdxqigm wrote

Didn’t this kind of behavior end badly for two people last week? One of the wildest things about the brain of a young adult is the lack of self preservation instincts, when your young you are immortal… until you’re dead of course.


[deleted] t1_jdy4691 wrote



Swamp_yankee_ninja t1_jdy4kcq wrote

The teenagers last week did the running down, or in their case running into a SUV. It was a hard physics lesson, but they passed and unfortunately lost.


degggendorf t1_jdzpxp8 wrote

>It was a hard physics lesson, but they passed and unfortunately lost.

This probably isn't the place for wordplay, but you could reverse a couple of those words and it would still make sense; It was a hard physics lesson, but they lost and unfortunately passed.