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geffe71 t1_jdsel2g wrote

She should move to California if she wants their shit so bad.


Guyincognito4269 t1_jdsojw5 wrote

And you should move to Mississippi or another shit hole state if you want to pay electric companies so badly.


geffe71 t1_jdsp2mn wrote

Have fun freezing your ass off with electric heat

I’m pro renewables, however New England needs to be tactical when implementing it.

Being gung ho about it will end with blackouts and people freezing to death


heloguy1234 t1_jdspuo0 wrote

I heated my house with a heat pump powered by solar panels all winter. My electric bill was 0 and my house was 68. You’re talking out your ass.


JSchecter11 t1_jdsrns0 wrote

Except for how solar cells are actually more efficient in the cold 🤷🏻‍♀️


avidreider t1_jdttbv1 wrote

You know solar works even when it is cold right?