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Intelligent_Berry914 t1_je4np6c wrote

I was out walking the dogs the other day, I counted at least 15 during my short neighborhood walk. bringing a little garbage bag with me for next time... Fireball seems to be the nip of choice in NP


nonosejoe t1_je4wfvt wrote

I travel all over for work and it’s the nip of choice in every city, from sea to shining sea.


baron_muchhumpin t1_je51uiu wrote

> Fireball seems to be the nip of choice in NP

Probably because they're cheap AF - I think a 12-pack (yes sold as a pack) is $10


duburose t1_je4pd30 wrote

Perhaps you are in my neighborhood! Dr McGillicuddy and Jim Beam are up there, too!


CucumberNo3244 t1_je7eo9k wrote

If anyone is taking a tally, I'm in CT and the nip of choice out here is Amsterdam Vodka with Fireball coming in a close second.


StankyBo t1_je854mp wrote

Didn't they just get sued for not having alcohol in them?


jorwyn t1_je8ccmq wrote

No. The ones that don't say "whisky" don't contain any and are lower ABV, but otherwise the label and bottle looks the same. So they are getting sued for not having enough, but they definitely all have alcohol.


jorwyn t1_je8c7bq wrote

They're $8 for a 10 pack. You can also buy them in literal buckets. I can see why they're popular.