Submitted by LibrarianOverall1451 t3_yf5546 in RhodeIsland

So I'm an avid WPRO listener (I drive extensively for work). Those familiar with 99.7 know that Dan Yorke is a HUGE Dan McKee supporter.

It gets said a lot on his show that McKee is NOT under FBI investigation, in response to Ashley Kalus' ads. Yorke's "damning evidence" is that the states top law enforcement official, who is not an FBI employee and who would be committing career suicide by not backing the sitting gov, says that McKee was not involved.

But....isn't he?

1.) McKee signed the contract

2.) The ILO firm was formed two days prior to him taking the subordinate of a staunch supporter (both moral and financial) of McKee's

3.) Unless I'm mistaken, the charge and entire reason for the investigation is cronyism.

4.) Matt Sheaff, spokesperson for the governor, declined to reveal whether the governor had or had not been subpoena'd....which 9/10 is a confirmation that he had, otherwise you have nothing to hide

So am I missing something here, or is Yorke just being a simp?



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FjordExplorher t1_iu1shou wrote

Yorke is a simp. He verbally masturbates every time he's talking about McKee. He's also got some childish fascination with anyone involved in high school or collegiate sports. He spent days trying to justify that whole situation with the basketball coach in EG, and only caved that it might not be appropriate behavior when it was revealed that coach was accused of being aroused by the whole situation. Honestly his show is the worst on the station. I'd rather have DiPetro, as wild and inappropriate as his show was, at least it was entertaining.


Jazzbo64 t1_iu1xrbd wrote

Yorke is a rent-a-riot, just like every other news radio talk show host. They live for ratings and riling up their audience. Just stop listening and play music instead.


LibrarianOverall1451 OP t1_iu1zadi wrote

See I want to believe that, but at the same time, the second he has any indication something anti-McKee will be said (or anything he just disagrees with in general) he tends to talk over the caller, throw a hissy fit and hang up...often without letting the caller get their point across.
