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t1_itw8xzj wrote

She arrived around 3 is is out and about Cranston if I recall.


t1_itw97uj wrote

Campaign visit will cost the taxpayers thousands.


t1_itwaxsh wrote

I'm going to be annoyed if this fucks up my 295 commute more than the landfill exit


t1_itwd9ou wrote

Or people who Jill Biden owes a large gambling debt to. If she owed me $52,000 in debt over, say, last year's college football season, I'd probably be in Cranston right now seeing if I could at least get her on a payment plan or something.


t1_itwdllk wrote

Calling out the ex grifter in chief is “extremist”? Yeah gotcha. I see what you did there. Lemme guess - you own something with either a gadsen flag logo and or all lives matter? He took all of us for a financial ride for four years and damaged our democracy in ways we don’t even understand yet and your mad because the First Lady went to cranston?


t1_itwe2vb wrote

I don't think Trump ever came to RI. If he did, I don't think we should have paid a dime for his campaign stop either. So if I think that the taxpayers shouldn't pay for any political campaign stops, I must be a Trump supporter. What are you talking about?


t1_itwicna wrote

Trump is a complete jerk. I didn't vote for him, but during his tenure there was record low unemployment, almost no inflation and world peace. If Biden escalates this war any further in Ukraine, are you going to be ok seeing your friends and relatives getting drafted and going to war with Russia. If you ever studied history, which seems unlikely, it could happen.


t1_itwkrsr wrote

Do you even read news. Biden engaged the United States in a proxy war with the country with the largest nuclear stockpile on earth. There were no wars during the Trump era. I think I read that in the New York Times. I guess that's not important to you.


t1_itwntbc wrote

You're about 2 steps away from calling it the Jewish New York Times or liberal New York Times or whatever liberal stereotype Tucker has thrown your way. Everything you are citing (again) is a RW/Faux News talking point and not based in fact. "There are no wars during the Trump era" - just the war on the country itself. And democracy. And Jan 6.... but go on.


t1_itwwntj wrote

Ok. I didn't know that the New York Times was a Jewish paper. Since you seem obsessed with what people look like and their ancestry, maybe you need to do some self reflection. So Biden has the country on the verge of nuclear war and you want to compare that to a bunch of morons going into the capitol. Trump should have been impeached as a result of his involvement in that day. You seem like an uneducated and ignorant person, as Trump has been gone for two years. You are likely a recent product of our failing education system in RI


t1_itx1321 wrote

I'm glad you can take notes. This started with a comment that we tax payers shouldn't pick up the tab for police escorts for campaigns. Then that somehow went to Trump, who I didn't even know had apparently visited RI. Then it somehow went to antisemitism and January 6. Even though I repeatedly said that I didn't vote for Trump and I think that he is an idiot. I would have voted for any of the other democratic candidates that ran for President over Joe Biden. Trump is gone, let him go, you'll feel better.


t1_itx1k1f wrote

Anyone that holds Biden and trump in the same category is just managing to not say the quiet part outloud. Anything but an outright disavowal of what trump was AND stands for is suspect. And the fact you jumped randomly to the NYT is a trope unto itself. You may not have voted for him but spinning Russia as something that Biden is the bad guy in speaks volumes.


t1_itz0drb wrote

That a functioning non-grifting not beholden to Russia administration is in place? That problem? If you want the government to spend no money, go live in the mountains with no hookups to utilities to, don’t check the weather (national weather system), don’t drive on the highway (national highway system) or take social security when you retire.


t1_iu0re8n wrote

Obviously US taxpayers should see a return on their tax investment. So no idea what inspired that little rant. To the point, Biden is a semi functional, piss poor president. He was a terrible senator as well. Astonishingly bad in fact. Corrupt, tone deaf, and ego driven. He was and remains a war criminal, as but one item on his long list of sins. Trump's sins, and they are legion, do not relieve Biden of his.


t1_iu2nvda wrote

This is a simple exchange so not sure why you can't follow. Why are you ranting about cabins in the wood? Did I say the government shouldn't spend money? No I did not. Again, if the people pay taxes, naturally they should expect those taxes to fund services. This assertiom is neither gobbledygook, nor tin foil hat speak, nor even debatable.


t1_iu6hedn wrote

Explain to me what Putin has to do with the Iraq WMD lie? Bottom line is you, and so many other bootlickers, will cheerfully go to bat for a disgusting, corrupt old man simply because he is not Trump. Horrifying logic. Utterly immoral. This is "if Putin says water is wet, then water is not wet" level thinking. But you do you.