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newengland_schmuck t1_iryh4k5 wrote

Ashley Kalus wants to stop the utility rate increase... by doing so, Rhode Island Electric would lose money. How long until they close and leave RI if they're not making a profit? Rates are going up across the country and the world. The increase sucks, but it can't be ignored or overruled... nothing is free. Kind of ironic a GOP candidate does not understand how a free market works.


newengland_schmuck t1_iryi7fw wrote

Ashley Kalus won't say if she wants Donald Trump to run for president again in 2024

Democrat Dan McKee says Joe Biden should run for re-election



SgtRockyWalrus t1_iryjggk wrote

Kalus debates like a pigeon playing chess. Squawks about shitting all over the board and claims they won.

Also, did she just admit and then try to brush off that she was failing high school? It’s a joke that the RI Republican Party couldn’t offer up anything better than this con-artist.

McKee is awful too, but at least he knows our state and challenges. He’s a damn weak candidate and is lucky Fung ran for governor last cycle and not now.


Space_faces t1_iryqy8h wrote

Those on the left are right. Those on the right are wrong. It's not perfect, but it's simple.


Muezza t1_irys6xn wrote

It helps that I can't take anything named 'gubernatorial' seriously in the first place. Silly word.


flatreplacement401 t1_irytctb wrote

please change my mind. i have not looked at his website so please educate me on his plans/policies.

i really don’t understand how people can justify dan mckee??? he literally provided ZERO specifics, details or plans about any of the topics- he only bashed his opponent and made claims. he is manipulative and uses convenient facts. his only claim to fame is the vaccination rate; does anyone even care about that????? do people really not care that he took a $5 mil deal over a $1 mil deal to help give him and his friends the $4 mil that could be used to disperse amongst workers. his defense on raising salaries of his cabinet saying we are going to “respect people running important positions” as if the RIPTA employees are not more important to the day to day life of rhode islanders??? how about the entire education segment was about RICAS scores from 6 months ago. nobody actually needs to know this data anymore because it’s useless and too old. the scores mean NOTHING for teachers now, maybe back in august. address the issue that RI schools cannot retain highly qualified teachers because the root of the public education issue is actually the lack of pay, support and respect which leads to teachers in high stress environments that leave the profession.

i think it is often forgotten that politicians are supposed to be public servants for the people. in many states, public servants like teachers and firefighters are often severely underpaid and are expected to dedicate their life out of the goodness of their hearts.

i am not saying ashley kalus is any better or worse but it just baffles me that people actually like this untrustworthy guy? is it because no one is better? how???????


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_iryzkpg wrote

Uhg, I refused to watch. McKee has been absolutely atrocious in office, I watched him burn healthcare to the ground from the frontline and that makes me so angry but this Kalus person looks like a giant tool that will continue in the same vein. I suspect that Kalus was brought here by the opposition so that they would have a bird in each nest. I cannot in good conscious vote for either of them.


radioflea t1_irz0oqk wrote

I said it before but I’ll say it again thank your fellow Rhode Islanders who decided to not participate in the primary election. This is the end result, elections have consequences.


degggendorf t1_irz166d wrote

You are obviously welcome to vote however you see fit, but my strategy is to vote for the least-bad electable candidate. I see voting for someone that will never get elected as a poor strategy. Symbolic, but also not in my best interest in reality.

Fortunately, there isn't really anyone down the rankings that I like any more, so it's not a super hard decision.


radioflea t1_irz1rpx wrote

Kalus did bring up one valid point, the state can’t give raises to McKee’s cabinet on the cusp of an election and recession and not expect blow back.

What does his cabinet even do besides back door deals? Meanwhile public transit in the state is in limbo because the workers aren’t being paid a livable wage.

Also, who’s boomer parents keep requesting pop quizzes during debates?!


radioflea t1_irz2lo1 wrote

This is exactly how we got in this position by people not participating in the primaries because they wanted to have a king baby moment.

The smarter choice at this point would be to vote for McKee. He’s a goof but much better than the second option.

We have a shot to at least stabilize most of what we have right now.


newengland_schmuck t1_irz2yp1 wrote

Not just RI... look at the POTUS candidates. That's the main reason we're so divided as a nation... mostly zealots vote in primaries and they elect the extreme candidates to further their agenda. Wish more people would realize this.


mkmck t1_is0654l wrote

That's the attitude that got us Trump. Hillary was so unlikeable to many that they thought "what could be so bad about giving Trump a try?". Then he got elected, and the sane among us found out exactly why it was a bad idea giving Trump a try. I despise Hillary, but voted for her over Trump. It was a no-brainer. I'll do the same with McKee. The lesser evil of two horrible options. Smart people hold their nose and vote for the person you think is the least horrible.


brick1972 t1_is0c2w9 wrote

The primary system outside of Trump largely leads to more moderate candidates, not more extreme. This is borne out over almost the entire history of the country. Yes there are some exceptions but especially since the Civil War it's been true - marked exceptions would be FDR (but not as clear cut as you might think) and you could also make an argument that Reagan was extreme, though this seems more obvious in retrospect than it was obvious in 1980. You need to look at some of the candidates who lost primaries.

Anyone who says democratic POTUS candidates need to be less "extreme" are actually Republicans.


dc_dobbz t1_is0c30u wrote

Why is that lucky? He’s about to get elected to Congress and help usher in a MAGA House instead. As a Rhode Islander in exile, I’d much rather see him as governor


Quick_Fennel_3244 t1_is0cbwx wrote

What is even more terrible is the fact we don't have enough common sense to elect someone worthy of holding the governing office of this state. We keep electing these brainless, incompetent morons who keep running the state deeper into the hole.


SgtRockyWalrus t1_is0dmb5 wrote

Lucky for Rhode Islanders or America? Definitely not. But McKee is absolutely lucky that he’s not running against Fung this time and has a joke of a candidate in Kalus.


brick1972 t1_is0gsuc wrote

I don't want to get into a protracted argument, but the presidential primary system for POTUS is different than primaries in general. First to the pole while on a country wide tour collecting votes has some real flaws. But, it does weed out extremists. This is just true.

If you want to say that party insiders determine the narrative particularly for POTUS, that's fine, but it's the position of the extremists that this happens and they are excluded because of it.

I have a hard time seeing someone like McKee as voted in by ideologues or extremists. Unless there is such a thing as extremely meh.


dgroach27 t1_is0ibyk wrote

Oh great more moderate democrats, that makes me sooooo excided! I love virtue signaling, milk toast progress, and having no backbone against republicans!

edit: milquetoast lol. I'm a stud with words


sept2022 t1_is0jsay wrote

Helena Foulkes would be my choice if she made it past McKee. Won't vote for him.


newengland_schmuck t1_is0lm09 wrote

No easy answer... between the Russia BS, OPEC and the Energy Companies record profits, there's no way around it. The governor can't stop a free market increase. Even if she found away to reduce the cost to consumers, they'd have to find the funds to pay for it. Car tolls and higher taxes are coming


newengland_schmuck t1_is0lzs3 wrote

Yet here we are where our government can't do a damn thing because of the party-lines. Total BS and it's destroying America. We need elected officials who will work together rather than only support one party. Sometimes you need to give a little to get what you want


dgroach27 t1_is0n5ao wrote

The left has been giving for decades and right has basically been doing whatever they want, let's be real. The second you take the your foot off the gas of progress there are immediately steps back. So no the solution isn't moderate democrats and moderate republicans where there will be "give and take" but at the end of the day they're basically the same. Take off your privilege glasses and look at the country, does it really seem like moderate, nondistruptive policies are going to help?


whatsaphoto t1_is0qxi7 wrote

> He’s a goof but much better than the second option.

Fucking hell I'm so sick of it being like this. I'll vote for the guy, but man... If this is how it's just going to be from now on I'm so upset about it.


dc_dobbz t1_is1541v wrote

The last I saw he was polling six points ahead, but I’m sure 538 is weighting the model against him based on party performance in the state. That’s good to hear anyway. I trust 538 modeling more than random poll headlines.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_is17q73 wrote

Oh I know I’m throwing my vote away. But they both represent interests that I am dead set against. I mean I guess I could go for Kalus just to get this douche McKee out of office. Not that I think for a hot second that she would repair the damage that McKee did to healthcare, but then at least I can have my KingBaby moment to attempt to screw him. Lifelong democrat here but I don’t even recognize my party anymore.


Opticalpopsicle1074 t1_is18tm6 wrote

True, but maybe the better question is why are all the candidates that we are allowing to run for office such terrible people and so terrible for the population? Maybe we should start to have some rules for integrity in the process instead of it just being a race to nominate whoever will bend over the furthest to get that PAC money. I mean the whole process is so rigged from the start, you have to have giant corporate backers just to run here in RI. And then we are appalled that the one elected is a tool? I love my home state but am so saddened by what’s happening to it. Can you tell I’m frustrated?


dgroach27 t1_is1dnot wrote

It's hardly an assumption. It doesn't always feel like it but living in this country is a privilege and your views are certainly shaped by living here.

Frankly, I don't care if some privileged centrist thinks my message is weakened by my "assumptions". Complaining about that tells me that you don't really have a good response.

Answer me this, republicans (and many democrats) didn't want gay people to have the ability to get married. What is the give and take with that? Only married sometimes?


A-12-Archangel t1_is1f1sf wrote

I like how she said "I couldn't afford to live in Rhode Island"...... *Buys a 800k house in Newport*


newengland_schmuck t1_is1fxsy wrote

WTF are you talking about? You scream, the zealots on the opposing side scream louder. Doesn't change anything but increase the division. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


dgroach27 t1_is1h532 wrote

Yeah it's definitely the people who want universal healthcare that are the problem and not the one's who are ok with bounty on people who get abortions. I'm not willing to compromise with republicans because that will only result in minorities and the disadvantaged getting hurt. If you are, well, that's on you. I think democrats need to grow a backbone and actually push back against republicans the way that they have been forever. Had a filibuster proof majority and didn't codify Roe, have control of Congress and the White House and have barely done anything outside of the recent student loan forgiveness and weed stuff, how much more inaction and mediocrity do you want from them? Who are these "zealots" on the left that are causing so much division?


newengland_schmuck t1_is1irdm wrote

Watch Fox news, they will show you. I often feel like there are two realities.... the one shown of Fox News and the one on CNN. Both are garbage in my mind; it's not news, more like 90% opinions and party bashing. Sucks. I agree things need to change, but if you demand it all at one time you're going to get resistance from those who want things to stay the same.


dgroach27 t1_is1jzxq wrote

Except the people that Fox News bashes want healthcare for people and workers rights and the people that CNN bash put bounties on people who get abortions, want to limit voting, and spout off about replacement theory. I agree CNN sucks (probably for different reasons than you) but you just can't equate the people that those networks bash. Like, Bernie Sanders and AOC are not as bad as Tucker Carlson and Ron DeSantis. If you think so, sorry but your brain is broken.


mkmck t1_is1mkhs wrote

If you ever figure out the answer to your first question, please PM me the answer. I assume part of the problem is the intense scrutiny of every last aspect of your something you have to be prepared to deal with. Between the media and opposition research, there will be a record of every time you blew your nose, and it will be on page 1, or in the next attack ad from your opponent. It's insane. That's not an easy ask, and the "best and brightest" probably don't want to deal with it. Howard Stern warned Trump that he was going to fuck up his life forever if he got elected, and I'd say Stern was absolutely right. Trump could have gone on for eternity being the douchebag he was/is, and the average Joe wouldn't have a clue. Now the world...including a lot of law enforcement...knows all too well what he is.

Almost no one voting in primaries is another factor, I'm sure. When only the wingnuts show up, wingnuts get nominated, and one of them wins the seat.


mkmck t1_is1oi9v wrote

Exactly. If you love the orange douche and his party of traitors, you'll love Kalus. Otherwise, regardless of how you feel about McKee, the choice is a no-brainer. McKee sucks, but he's better than the alternative, and it's not close.


newengland_schmuck t1_is3bsh0 wrote

Well, consumers don't have a choice but energy companies have to buy power from the power grid... contracts are negotiated well in advance. Like anything else, it's sold to the highest bidder when the demand is high.


radioflea t1_is3fug5 wrote

The King Baby personality - the childish ego traits seen in people who have reached adulthood without acquiring emotional maturity - a self-centeredness common to alcoholics and addicts.