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dea7500 OP t1_is2t2io wrote

Thank you!


moreobviousthings t1_is2tu7m wrote

You say you tried eBay, but what did you search for? I just tried "Suzuki gs450 carb" and got some hits.


dea7500 OP t1_is2u65w wrote

The exact phrase I looked up there was "1981 suzuki gs450 carburetor" and I got a bunch of parts to a carb but no full carb


dea7500 OP t1_is2ubmp wrote

I'll try thar search and see what happens. Thanks!!


moreobviousthings t1_is2w5u8 wrote

The model year may or may not matter. A fan of Suzuki might be able to clarify that. For a 1981 bike, it may be necessary to get the carbs and also a rebuild kit to get them working right. Good luck. Taking care of an old bike calls for patience and dedication.