degggendorf t1_itpnr4d wrote
> They are not the source of the story
Except the first line is:
> Twenty-six months after GoLocalProv exclusively uncovered the dumping of contaminated soil in the Olneyville section of Providence
If there are more reputable outlets reporting on the same story, why not use one that doesn't have the track record of dishonest bias? If there are no other reputable outlets reporting on it, then we should probably question why. I'm not seeing any public announcements about this out of the office of Cunha, and I really don't think that the verdict was exclusively shared with GoLocalProv.
edit: ah here we go, a proper source:
Unique-Public-8594 t1_itpqvdb wrote
Is this related to the redditor reporting radiation by the roadside?
Beezlegrunk OP t1_itqjpz8 wrote
Not sure — where was that posted?
This was about contaminated dirt from elsewhere being secretly dumped on the site of the 6-10 conector project in Olneyville …
Unique-Public-8594 t1_itqp31p wrote
Maybe 2 weeks ago. A guy here posting his geiger counter results.
Beezlegrunk OP t1_itrxs8f wrote
I'll look and see if I can find the post you're referring to. Let me know if you come across it in the meantime. Thanks!
Unique-Public-8594 t1_itsok04 wrote
I dug, and dug. Can’t find it. Weird.
Beezlegrunk OP t1_itvmv6t wrote
A quick Google search for the 6-10 connector and "geiger" / "radioactive" yielded no results.
I think the NSA scrubbed the Internet of any reference to radioactive waste in the soil that was dumped in Olneyville, which was nasty enough without any geiger-triggering material ...
Beezlegrunk OP t1_itncj5f wrote
Since some clown(s) will inevitably respond to this post by deliberately ignoring the substance of the article and just slagging off GoLocalProv in general — as if doing so were more important than the facts of the case itself — I will pre-empt the time-honored RI tradition of “killing the messenger” by noting that it was a federal investigation; GLP is just reporting on it. They are not the source of the story, the U.S. Attorney for RI is. You may not like GLP, but that doesn’t invalidate the story itself.
[EDIT — And we have a winner:]