Submitted by UnderwaterInRI t3_y7kic9 in RhodeIsland
UnderwaterInRI OP t1_isv0vg9 wrote
This is a shockingly tight house race, no matter where your opinions lie it's incredibly important to get eyes on these candidates so people can be informed. Don't let voter apathy in Rhode Island determine the balance of power in the US House of Representatives.
UnderwaterInRI OP t1_isv0ycy wrote
It's being broadcast on Channel 9 as well because of this.
wormholeweapons t1_isv8kev wrote
Was about to say this is a constitutional issue that Verizon is fighting with that company.
wormholeweapons t1_isvaz52 wrote
I love how aging just said that heating oil went up by 90% without pointing out that it’s corporate profit and greed driving that. No no. Blame. Idea somehow instead as if he had a button in the Oval Office that said “up the price of oil”.
trabblepvd t1_isvhj6e wrote
It was low key. Seth needed to come with some energy, but came out with tired democrat talking points that fell flat. Fung comes out ahead after this debate and thats it.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isviqpe wrote
Hmm just to give my perspective. I’m in the district. I’m a moderate, have generally voted democrat but I think they’ve done awful this vast term and Biden is doing pretty bad as well. I was ready to vote Republican. I watched the debate and thought that both came off as normal humans. However Seth came off as more prepared, more competent and did not come off as smarmy and out of touch. This debate has me voting for magaziner now. I’m still for Kalus at the moment but looking forward to that debate too. Maybe that will change.
Rhodysurf t1_isvjrq8 wrote
Magaziner is a smart dude and I think it came off that way from what I watched
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isvkg1m wrote
Agreed. And to be honest I think both of them are likeable and were respectful to the other in the debate.
trabblepvd t1_isvlt0g wrote
its not, its the lack of domestic production right now allowing prices to go sky high. Open up production and more volume will lower prices.
thatbstrdmike t1_isvsk9f wrote
Here's my take on the debate:
The hell people? Are you this oblivious?
poobobo t1_iswfuao wrote
Wait. Why would anyone vote for kalus? Is there something im missing?
optimized_happiness t1_iswgqx8 wrote
I have no idea what debate you watched but I came off with the absolute opposite reaction. Magaziner had way more energy the entire time and is a much better speaker. Also he attacked Fung way more than the other way around
buddhamanjpb t1_isx4xhy wrote
You clearly already had your mind made up before this.
trabblepvd t1_isx84c4 wrote
Magaziner had that awful section where he was pushing for nuclear war. With that, I cant believe anyone who was on the fence would would find nuclear war appealing.
Coincel_pro t1_isx8ze7 wrote
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxa3t6 wrote
It’s corporate greed.
Cinema_King t1_isxac5f wrote
Anti-choice people love her. And probably the traitors who think the January 6th insurrection was ok too.
When faced with a choice Republicans look for the most evil option and go with that
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxajpi wrote
Magaziner since every Republican tows the party line and the party line is the end of democracy.
Re: Kalus - Why? Are you anti-abortion and healthcare? Why do you think someone who isn’t a Rhode Islander or has any experience in public service do well and protect our rights?
[deleted] t1_isxb2dm wrote
thehillshaveI t1_isxbwea wrote
next week allan fung is having a fundraiser hosted by a republican representative who speaks at white nationalist conferences and once favorably compared himself to david duke
this is our "moderate republican" choice
[deleted] t1_isxdqj5 wrote
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxdv6l wrote
I actually thought that answer was well thought out and came off strong. NATO should be ready to escalate and respond should Russia use nukes.
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxdywb wrote
I would serious reconsider voting for any republican if you support Women’s rights and healthcare.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxe79w wrote
Same reason I voted for Baker when I lived in mass, she seems like an intelligent person who can manage the state well, and doesn’t seem like a crazy batshit trumper. However, I am going to wait until I can confirm all that by watching them debate.
Also, she has actually campaigned southwest of providence. She actually showed up to the West Warwick Portuguese parade. Haven’t seen McKee southwest of providence
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxea5p wrote
No they’re not lol, chill out
[deleted] t1_isxegh2 wrote
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxf1n9 wrote
Not by executive order - but things don’t happen overnight. What about my second point?
[deleted] t1_isxf88b wrote
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxfy5r wrote
Testing company. That ended in mediation and bungled at the end - you don’t think it’s an issue that she’s a millionaire that lives in Newport that hasn’t even been in RI for more than two years? I think you need to be more cautious - be wary of grifters are out for themselves- and really understand what republicans are doing to this country.
Human-Ad2370 t1_isxgfnt wrote
Oh darling you can be mad about me trying to talk about Kalus but going into another thread to number one misconstrue what was being said and two support COVID misinformation is too much. Bye ✌️
trabblepvd t1_isxhy3p wrote
It lacked perspective and a de-escalation option. Comes off as reckless to me.
NEIC_ADMIN t1_isxi0xi wrote
Allan Fung doesn't understand that having a decent income doesn't give him white privilege. Being educated doesn't give him white privilege. Obeying the law doesn't give him white privilege.
Fung is one of those people who thinks that rich straight white Christians will give him a few breadcrumbs if he works 80 hrs a week, earns a Phd, and obeys the law while the dumbest and most violent white people go around murdering others and get free Burger King.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxi273 wrote
I think your take is reasonable but personally I think allies need to demonstrate that nuclear usage is unacceptable
poobobo t1_isxjq66 wrote
You certainly haven't been paying attention
poobobo t1_isxjxn4 wrote
The problem with Republicans is that they vote as a monolith. Until trumpism is purged from the party, they should all be considered "crazy bat shit trumpers".
dman_usa t1_isxl32c wrote
LOL what a conspiracy theorists
dman_usa t1_isxl65i wrote
how? LOL
dgroach27 t1_isxlc3y wrote
Yeah she's said she won't do anything but that's what Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett said too and look how that turned out.
dman_usa t1_isxlfxe wrote
LMFAOOOOO yall still pushing that propaganda?
dman_usa t1_isxlkdg wrote
when faced with a choice Democrats look for the most evil option*
Cinema_King t1_isxlslz wrote
It’s cute that you “think” this was clever
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxluug wrote
The governor is not participating in the US congress so not sure how that’s relevant
dman_usa t1_isxlvbz wrote
poobobo t1_isxndt3 wrote
Look at all the awful crap that Ron desantis does. He, being Trump's number one competition in 2024 still legislates as a "crazy bat shit trumper". His latest stunt? Arresting people that his administration provided voting cards too, for voting. It's literally a race to the bottom with these people. Since Trump's presidency, I find it completely insane to vote any Republican into any office. They no longer act as elected officials to carry out the will of the people. They act as your ruling overlords. They will sell you out and make you suffer all for the sake of making Democrats look bad. You'd either have to be woefully uninformed or do some impressive mental gymnastics to vote Republican in this cycle. Our democracy hangs in the balance.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxnzir wrote
Again I need to iterate that I’m waiting for a debate to make my final decision. But if Kalus is like Charlie Baker or Larry Hogan, then I’ll vote for her. If she’s like DeSantis, then I will vote for McKee.
degggendorf t1_isxpcp7 wrote
And that Biden was the most evil option lollll.
If we went for most evil, we would have nominated...Bloomberg, I guess?
PuffinLasers t1_isxqmjs wrote
Lmao tell me you’re from RI without telling me you’re from RI
[deleted] t1_isxr065 wrote
NEIC_ADMIN t1_isxt2nz wrote
There are many Uncle Tom types out there. Allan Fung is one of them.
He thinks that good behaviour and kissing ass of the white establishment will earn him respect from white Americans. It won't.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isxx1ba wrote
Chill bro
DeftApproximation t1_isxy6tc wrote
It’s that whole appeasement / don’t tolerate the intolerant philosophy. Eventually you gotta draw a line in the sand that says; do not cross.
If you appease a bully, are they really incentivized to stop their behavior? They just got what they wanted by being a bully, why would they stop if they can just keep doing it?
It is a very tenuous situation but eventually we gotta draw that line.
trabblepvd t1_isxzhlz wrote
I also object to the demonization of the energy industry. Seth was relaying the same talking points of energy prices being an issue of corporate greed when we all know that simply isn't the case. Attacking an industry as enemies goes no where towards working with them to find a solution. Its equates to a throwing up of hands and saying its not my fault, don't blame me look at them, I can't do anything about it type of answer.
Kraft-cheese-enjoyer t1_isy0t1l wrote
I agree. That is a lazy talking point that the democrats seem to use. Luckily i think it’s all talk lol
RhodeIsland-ModTeam t1_isy3xvp wrote
Your Post was removed because it doesn't allow for an on-going conversation.
Homelessjoe16 t1_isyf2ip wrote
I tuned into the latter half and Seth never answered any of the questions and just deflected with the same tired talking points that had zero substance and just attacked Fung.
Fung overused his “doubling down” line a few too many times and focused on how much Biden and Pelosi suck (he’s not wrong there) but overall I’d say Fung performed better but not by too much.
gremlinbreeder t1_isyj2kw wrote
Screw both of em. Sick of ads from both sides.
gremlinbreeder t1_isyj63k wrote
Someone forgot their meds.
Jmac3366 t1_isza8ra wrote
Are you really calling fung an Uncle Tom rn?
NEIC_ADMIN t1_iszaugf wrote
The dude's against same-sex marriage yet is in an interracial marriage. Class A hypocrite.
BMorris2526 t1_it0jj6r wrote
So anyone who believes in smaller and limited government is as attempting to transform the Republic into a theocratic autocracy? That is actually confusing.
BMorris2526 t1_it0jx1x wrote
You realize that RI has been controlled by Democrats for nearly 75 years and we are last in nearly everything, including education. In fact, Providence has the worst school system in the country. Not a single Republican holds office in Providence.
BMorris2526 t1_it0l96a wrote
Oil price is determined by supply and demand. It was much lower under the orange man because he removed regulations that allowed oil control producer more domestic oil. The current administration has done the opposite.
BMorris2526 t1_it0lm58 wrote
Go take an economics class. The oil companies don't control the price of oil.
BMorris2526 t1_it0m1ya wrote
Went asked about any government restrictions at all on abortion, he gave a pathetic answer. He said that abortion is a healthcare decision between doctor and patient. In other words, the government has no obligation at all to protect the baby, even at 9 months.
[deleted] t1_it0mep9 wrote
BMorris2526 t1_it0mnhg wrote
Don't believe the talking points. Both part are owned by corporate America.
Coincel_pro t1_it1vha6 wrote
Given the Republicans platform in present day it’s still preferable to vote against them vs a pretty shit selection of dems in the state. Maybe they can focus on financial matters and not being racist, dismantling democracy and making healthcare more expensive?
BMorris2526 t1_it21sqt wrote
So anyone who votes republican is racist and somehow wants to dismantle democracy and also makes healthcare more expensive. Do you have any examples of any of these accusations? Who would have known that Fung, a Chinese American, is a racist.
Coincel_pro t1_it29zgq wrote
That or ignorant.
trabblepvd t1_it2g9zi wrote
Steve Scalise was almost taken out by a democrat terrorist at a Senate baseball game along with other republican senators. God Bless Steve Scalise.
thehillshaveI t1_it2grj7 wrote
amazingly steve scalise being shot does nothing to change the fact that he's favorably compared himself to the former grand dragon of the kkk and gave speeches to white nationalist organizations
idk if you believe being shot erases decades of blatant racism, but that's not actually how morality works!
[deleted] t1_it2p5bt wrote
BMorris2526 t1_it3vqag wrote
If you want to see ignorance, look in the mirror. Also get yourself an education which includes some civics and history courses.
Coincel_pro t1_it4bfsx wrote
Hey no worries, the party as a whole denies the results of a legally certified election.
Im sure that has nothing to do with "dismantling democracy" though that's crazy talk.
BMorris2526 t1_it4e9s6 wrote
Oh, sort of like how most prominent democrats called Trump an illegitimate president because of Russian collusion, which turned out to be totally false. Let's not forget democratic darling Stacey Abramson, who still denies that she lost the governor election 4 years ago. I guess that is what you mean. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Coincel_pro t1_it4mgby wrote
No they called him impeachable which they did.
Also this is not Georgia and last I saw there was no national level party question on whether the rest of the membership agreed with Stacy Abrams assertion of that election. On the flipside, the GOP has done that regarding Trump.
Typical whataboutism though, good example.
BMorris2526 t1_it4nu06 wrote
Hillary Clinton called Trump an illegitimate president. That sounds like election denial to me. I am an independent who votes for the best candidate. I can't imagine being so uninformed as to not do any research on a candidate and just vote for someone because they have a D or R next to their name. That's how we ended up with an idiot like Trump and an 80 year old man like Biden, who is clearly unfit to be commander in chief. I couldn't vote for either of them. You should try not being a sheep sometime, you'll feel better.
Coincel_pro t1_it4qebx wrote
Oh word does Hillary Clinton speak for the entire party now? Where were the 60+ lawsuits against Trumps election filed by the DNC?
I vote for candidates based on their platform and have voted for Republicans in the past. My criticism of the Republican party does not presume that I hold the democrats in high regard (quite the opposite). The Republican party platform of the past decade or more offers nothing that I want and in more recent years offers ruin to the nation. You can make insults all you want but it doesn't change already performed actions and presently stated desires of the party. Keep replying back with insults and "what about" shit but it doesn't change the facts of what the GOP are today.
BMorris2526 t1_it4rrj8 wrote
Does Trump speak for the party? I didn't vote for him.
Coincel_pro t1_it57voo wrote
Clearly you didn't read it earlier.
BMorris2526 t1_it58zsz wrote
That's because I don't care. The country and the world are in peril right now under this President. I care about the future for all of us. At least consider not voting for Diossa for treasurer as that is an apolitical job that mostly manages investments in pension funds. Diossa has absolutely no experience managing investments and his opponent does that for a living. Also consider not voting for defund the police Sabina Matos, who is so arrogant that she refuses to debate anyone. I'm voting for democrat Amore for secretary of state because he is honest and qualified.
Coincel_pro t1_it59t8c wrote
Cared enough to ask for examples, now you're all over the place.
BMorris2526 t1_it5ao14 wrote
It's hopeless. Just vote for anyone with a D next to their name and good luck in the bread lines.
Coincel_pro t1_it5b209 wrote
I know you "dont care enough" to read links to answer questions you asked for, but if you're not even going to read posts I made directly in reply to you upthread then just fuck off and stop replying to mine.
BMorris2526 t1_it5b99q wrote
😂 have a great night.
Ryland42 t1_isv0qbl wrote
Awesome, half the state can't watch it on TV due to Verizon no longer carrying WPRI.