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Il_vino_buono t1_isze62p wrote

Weird, maybe, but I think it would be an improvement over the same tired talking points being thrown back-and-forth with no real appreciable changing of opinions or positions. Online political discussions are self indulging exercises in one-upmanship which have been statistically demonstrated to not change opinions.


mkmck OP t1_it05289 wrote

You do realize that no one has a gun to your head making you read political posts, right? Feel free to just skip over them.


mdurg68 t1_it0lcvk wrote

Well sometimes you can be in a discussion which may be of interest to you and then some wing nut takes a right turn (see what I did there?) and starts ranting about politics.


mkmck OP t1_it0lzml wrote

That's very true. When that happens, you click on their username, go to their profile, and block them. That's the last comment you'll ever see from them.