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mkmck OP t1_it0erzt wrote

Not sure if you're being complimentary or taking a dig with that first comment. If it's the former, thanks, but my plate is pretty full right now, with my wife in cancer treatment. If it's the just seems like common sense to me, but maybe I'm wrong.

I get having wiggle room - no rule should be absolute. Hell, the Constitution isn't absolute on every topic. But the supposed rule they are invoking is nowhere to be found, and that's a problem as I see it.

Agree 100% with your last comment. Let idiocy stay forever, so people can be reminded what an idiot the poster is.


[deleted] t1_it0fdm9 wrote



mkmck OP t1_it0i21j wrote

I am far from being anti-mod. I have complimented them myself in the past. It's not an easy job, and like you say, they are doing it for free. I just asked the question - what is this rule no one has seen written anywhere, and is suddenly being enforced without any explanation? Is that an unreasonable question?

Thanks for the thoughts about my wife.


[deleted] t1_it0ipi1 wrote



mkmck OP t1_it0jcrq wrote

LOL...being sick does not bring out the best in us, for sure. I get it, and it's actually refreshing to have a little disagreement with the conversation not degenerating into "you suck", "no you suck" and on and on.

Feel better soon bud, and have a good night.


[deleted] t1_it0kdt5 wrote



mkmck OP t1_it0lkoz wrote

LOL...I'll send you an invite to the party we'll have when my wife finishes kicking cancer's ass!