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mkmck OP t1_it0i21j wrote

I am far from being anti-mod. I have complimented them myself in the past. It's not an easy job, and like you say, they are doing it for free. I just asked the question - what is this rule no one has seen written anywhere, and is suddenly being enforced without any explanation? Is that an unreasonable question?

Thanks for the thoughts about my wife.


[deleted] t1_it0ipi1 wrote



mkmck OP t1_it0jcrq wrote

LOL...being sick does not bring out the best in us, for sure. I get it, and it's actually refreshing to have a little disagreement with the conversation not degenerating into "you suck", "no you suck" and on and on.

Feel better soon bud, and have a good night.


[deleted] t1_it0kdt5 wrote



mkmck OP t1_it0lkoz wrote

LOL...I'll send you an invite to the party we'll have when my wife finishes kicking cancer's ass!